The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Lessons For Learning – Trustworthily

Bible Audio Blog
      20060514 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Lessons For Learning - Trustworthily - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Thoughts precede #deeds.  It is possible to think about something and then fail to do anything, but only the most rote activity is not done without thought first.  Now that Paul has explained to the Philippians and us how to train our thoughts, he encourages us to follow his example.  Remember, we are in a series about joy and how to get it and live it.  It starts with right thinking but must be followed by right living, which is only possible after yielding control to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives.  Who else besides Jesus can we find to be our role models?  Are we being mindful of the example we are setting?  What are the four ways we internalize examples?  

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Are you a #preparer?  Do you #store things when you think there might be a #shortage?  As I was growing up in Texas, we would #can all the fresh fruits and vegetables while fresh and in season.  I remember listening and counting the seals on the jars as each would pop. That meant they were sealed and bacteria was gone!  Today I have three pear trees that are heavily laden with a bumper crop this year.  They are delicious and I have shared with those who enjoy them by eating, making jams and butters.  My daughter decided to #preserve them by canning this year and they turned out “just right”   They will last for several years if not consumed by then.  You might ask, “What does that have to do with God?”  First, let me say,  God created everything so He is the Keeper !  The Bible tells us that THE LIVING GOD PRESERVES.  Just read Psalm 121:3-8  “Help comes from the LORD and He that keeps you does not sleep. THE LIVING GOD SHALL PRESERVE YOU FROM ALL EVIL: HE SHALL PRESERVE YOUR SOUL.  HE SHALL PRESERVE YOUR GOING OUT AND COMING IN FROM THIS TIME FORWARD AND EVEN FOREVER MORE”  Now that is eternal everlasting preservation when we accept the cleansing via Jesus Christ”s sinless sacrificial atoning blood removing our sins, but  each of us must ask forgiveness and acknowledge HIM as our LORD AND SAVIOR for only  THE LIVING GOD PRESERVES ETERNALLY

The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Thoughtfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060430 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Thoughtfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


#MentalHealth is a big topic these days from the candidates for the #Presidency all the way down to the individuals struggling with #uncertainty, #division, and downright #panic.  We know that Satan is the author of chaos and discontent.  But, what does the Bible say is the solution to elevating our thoughts?  Without first yielding your life to Jesus, this list will only provide temporary relief.  For instance, the very first exhortation to focus on what is true, is very hard if not impossible to discern without knowing Christ.  The same goes for the rest of this list of thoughts about what is honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.  It takes effort to focus on these things because the world is busy shoving the opposite at us.  

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from Barbara's Bible


Do you have a #secret?  Can you keep a secret?  Do you have a  #hiding place?  Do you tell anyone?  Ever share your #codes?  We live in a day and time where #information is the #key to unlock many hidden #treasures.  We all have secrets; however, some can be overpowering with feelings of deceit, greed, lust, guilt, remorse, and distrust.   Your secret maybe a happy joyous one like needing to conceal your wealth for fear of theft.   Who can you trust ?   We all need a #1 advisor with confidentiality!  May I recommend THE LIVING GOD.  What time I am afraid I will trust in Him.  “When you pray enter into your closet, shut the door, pray to thy Father God in secret; and ‘THE LIVING GOD SEES IN SECRET HIMSELF SHALL REWARD YOU OPENLY.for your FATHER knows what things you have need of before you ask Him …In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God…..”  Matthew 6:4-14 & Phil,4:6  “Take it to the Lord and leave it there” is a song I sang as a child in my bedroom while viewing the picture hanging on my wall of a child crossing a bridge with the guidance of an angel.  Even now in old age, I need my secret talk in a quiet place with the LIVING GOD so He can guide my walk and talk!


The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Communication – Peacefully

Bible Audio Blog
      20060423 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Communication - Peacefully - Rev. Tommy Jones


Many of us look to our #political #leaders to bring us #peace.  Ironically, we are warned in the book of #Revelations about a leader that will soon come with a message of false peace.  But, Paul tells Christians the key to peace is prayer.  What did we learn to pray about last week?  Can we create peace?  How can an enemy of God find peace with God?  Is peace with God the same as peace of God?  The peace we are promised is more than just living in harmony with others.  It is peace that passes all understanding.  But what does that involve?  This is a peace that will guard the heart and mind.  Does that sound good right now?  This is not feel good self help but, rather, a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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