Stick With The Truth


The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Lessons For Learning – About Enablement

Bible Audio Blog
      20060604 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Lessons For Learning - About Enablement - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Codependency and #enablement have become buzzwords for a #toxic type of relationship.  But, the #Bible tells us that it is a matter of where we focus our dependency.  Philippians 4:13 is one of my favorite verses.  “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”  Why do you think that there are so many self help books?  We all need help sometimes and while we can do some things ourselves and others can assist us at times, Christ offers us the ultimate boost.  Have you ever thought there is nothing I can do about that?  Does this mean a Christian should push ahead with confidence without education or experience?  Does that mean we have the power to do reckless or immoral acts?  How does this promise apply to non-believers and God’s will?  As a Believer in Jesus Christ wanting to do God’s will, what are some examples of the things with which we can expect to be enabled?  What are the two things that we need to do to receive this power?

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What is Sin?



from Barbara's Bible

Call a #lawyer!  This is repeated #daily on #TV #ads that your local lawyer will solve your #problem.  Now I agree #education of our #rights and #safety within our laws is very imperative to our #freedom.  Have you observed that everyone is #innocent?  No one will #confess to seeing, knowing or doing .  Are we all hiding behind locked doors watching the news and views through the lens of TV cameras and reporters?   How long has it been since you read the Bible?  “They that forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law will contend with them.  Evil men do not understand judgement, but they that seek the LORD understand all things…He that covers his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesses and forsakes sin shall have mercy” Proverbs 28:4,5,13  Who’s word can you trust in these turbulent times?  “Charge those who are rich in this world toot be high-minded or trust in uncertain riches, but TRUST IN THE LIVING GOD who gives richly all things to enjoy to those that do good…laying a good foundation against the time to come avoiding profane babbling and oppositional false science, but trust with faith in Christ Jesus that they may hold onto eternal life”  1 Timothy 6:16-21  Now what does that have to do with confessing?  In court you swear by placing your hand on the Bible to tell the truth.  Words of Jesus Christ recorded in Matthew 10:31-33 FEAR NOT…WHOEVER SHALL CONFESS ME BEFORE MEN,  I WILL CONFESS BEFORE MY FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN, but WHOEVER WILL DENY ME BEFORE MEN, I WILL DENY HIM BEFORE MY FATHER IN HEAVEN”  Yes, JESUS CHRIST has given His Word to take away your sins, wash them with His blood, and WILL CONFESS YOU before HIS FATHER the LORD IN HEAVEN if YOU CONFESS HIM BEFORE OTHERS !   Freedom with the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Lessons For Learning – About Enjoyment

Bible Audio Blog
      20060528 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Lessons For Learning - About Enjoyment - Rev. Tommy Jones


Would the apostle Paul have been able to find #joy in the year #2020?  What did Paul learn from the #school of experience?  What did he teach us about our circumstances and their effect on Christ followers?  God promises to provide all of our needs but not our wants.  So how do we minimize our wants to increase joy?  Paul said he knew how to be content whether he had a little or a lot.  Is it also difficult to be content when you are prospering?   

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Think Before You Speak



I was just talking on the phone to my five year old great grandson while he was soaking in the #bathtub after a fun afternoon playing outside.  I asked if he was using #soap, and he replied, “not yet”  His grandfather then said, “soap up the #wash rag and lather up”.  When I asked if he #scrubbed his feet- I heard a dunk…He took a full body dip under water with supervision.  Yes, he was clean from head to toe and talking about dinner.  That reminded me of the way God #purges out our dirty sins.  To purge is to cleanse  by removing impurities.  God is the perfect refiner. Isaiah 1:25 “I the LORD will turn my hand upon you and thoroughly purge away your waste – dross “  Psalm 51:7 David said,  “PURGE ME with hyssop and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”  All of us have set backs, failures, and sins that destroy, but God restores, shines, and rejuvenates.  “Iniquities prevail against me: as for our transgressions God shall purge them away.” Ps.65:3  HOW? “How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to GOD to PURGE YOUR CONSCIENCE FROM DEAD WORKS TO SERVE THE LIVING GOD.” Hebrews 9:14  We are no longer five yrs. old, but we all need to come clean.  Our scrubbing does not remove our stain filled lives, but God sees us and if we ask He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness !  Ps.79:9 “Help us, O GOD of our SALVATION for the glory of thy name and deliver us, and PURGE AWAY OUR SINS, for thy name’s sake.” Be cleansedYou know God has the marriage supper of the Lamb waiting for us!  Rev.19:9

The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Lessons For Learning – About Encouragement

Bible Audio Blog
      20060521 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Lessons For Learning - About Encouragement - Rev. Tommy Jones


Do you need #encouragement today?  Who doesn’t?  If you watch the #news, the spotlight is on #politics, #race, #protests, #riots, and #virus.  But if you know #Jesus as your Lord and Savior, there is a bigger picture.  Paul was telling the Philippians the same thing thousands of years ago.  How can we receive a peace that passes all understanding?  What does gratefulness have to do with our mood?  If you don’t know where to start, let me share with you something I heard in a sermon that has stuck with me.  Our prayers should begin with thanksgiving to the Lord.  What if tomorrow you woke up and only had left what you thanked God for yesterday?  Time is short and windows of opportunity do not stay open long.  What should we do about that?

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