The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Ground For Greeting – In The Present

Bible Audio Blog
      20060702 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Grounds For Greeting - In The Present - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever heard of the #Doxology?  Praise #God from whom all #blessings flow!  Last time, we learned that God provides all His children’s needs.  This week we hear what our proper response should be.  It even ties back to Paul’s theme in Philippians about the Joy of Jesus. Joy in our lives comes from knowing our purpose.  Why are we here if not to glorify God?  Have you ever tried counting your blessings when you are feeling down?  It helps and you should take it further and thank the one who gave you those blessings.  How do we glorify God?  Does all the glory belong to God?  Why is it important to practice giving glory to God now?

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Seems to me that I have been grasping for #knowledge all my life.  From starting school until I was graduated with a B.S. degree, I was exposed to new concepts and procedures which increased my desire to know more!  While learning, I realized there was always more to discover in those endeavors.  Today, I have observed people that prefer to rely on technology for any info that is relevant to the moment.  So may I introduce you to the Source of All Knowledge – THE LIVING GOD.  “Talk no more so proudly, let not your arrogance come out of your mouth; for THE LORD IS A GOD OF KNOWLEDGE, and by Him actions are weighed” 1 Samuel 2:3  Where do you start – step one!  Proverbs 1:7 “The FEAR of the LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF KNOWLEDGE:  but fools demise wisdom and instruction.”  step two..“.choose to fetch your knowledge from our righteous Maker whose words are not false; GOD IS PERFECT IN KNOWLEDGE” Job36:4  step three…”the LORD KNOWS ME and all my ways even the words from my tongue.  LORD’S KNOWLEDGE OF ME from behind and before is wonderful” Psalm 139:1-6   step four ….”Beloved, seeing you know these things, beware don’t be led away by error with the wicked, but GROW IN GRACE IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST”  11Peter 3:18   step five.…. “Cast down imaginations and every proud thing that exalts itself against the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD by bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”  11Corinthians 10:5  This is a good five step program which meets GOD’S  STANDARD set in His Word.

Christian Values



When choosing a #credit #card or an #insurance #policy, do you check out the #benefits or the #rewards associated with their #terms?  I know when deciding on a plan you look at the penalties, and fees associated with your commitment.  Your signature means you are trusting them to keep their written word on rewards and benefits!  I know there is one written Word, the Bible in which I place my trust.  “Bless the LORD..forget not all HIS BENEFITS: who forgives all my iniquities and heals my diseases by redeeming my life from destruction and crowns me with lovingkindness and tender mercies. . .Mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him… and to those who keep His commandments”  Psalm 103:2-4,17,18  When you sign on with the our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ there are conditions to those benefits and rewards stated in Hebrews 11::6 “Without faith it is impossible to please Him; for anyone who comes to GOD must believe that GOD IS and HE IS THE REWARDER OF THEM THAT DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM..”  Matthew 6:4 “Father God who sees in secret shall REWARD you openly”   5:12 “REJOICE and be exceeding GLAD: for GREAT IS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN”   By faith CHOOSE you this day the LORD’s  written Word sealed with the blood of His son JESUS CHRIST.  GOD gives us free will to accept or reject His loving sacrifice to cover our sins for all eternity.  I have activated my commitment with Jesus with all God’s benefits.  HAVE YOU?

The Joy of Jesus – Sufficiency – Supplies For Sharing – On A Heavenly Level

Bible Audio Blog
      20060625 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Supplies For Sharing - On A Heavenly Level - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Want and #need, do you know the difference?  If you put the wrong emphasis on verses like this you wind up with what is called a #prosperityGospel.  Like we talked about last week, the motive matters.  We don’t give to receive, we give to honor God and as a result we receive all our needs.  Have you ever prayed to God for a thing you thought you needed only to realize later that it was really a want?  Are all of our needs good things?  Do we sometimes need correction?  What does it mean when the Bible says ‘according to His riches in glory?’  Well, I haven’t met or heard of a rich man yet who can afford to create a planet full of biodiversity much less a universe.  Oh and don’t forget the qualifier at the end that Paul loves to use – in Christ.

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Don’t Bring it Home

The Joy of Jesus – Sufficiency – Supplies For Sharing – On A Human Level

Bible Audio Blog
      20060618 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Supplies For Sharing - On A Human Level - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Multitasking, are Christians told to be #spiritual or #practical?  Actually, it is both.  Does God use temporary things to accomplish eternal things?  Is it only money that Christians are asked to give?  Are only the poor truly spiritual?  What made the church at Philippi such a joyous one?  If Paul was joyful in poverty or abundance, why was he grateful for the Philippians’ gift and what it meant for them?  Does the amount of or the motives behind the gift matter more to God?

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