from Barbara's Bible

As a young child when going to visit #friends and #relatives with my Mother, I remember hearing, “Hi Ginny, where’s your #shadow”?  You see I loved and hovered closely to my mom.  So I knew what they meant when calling me a shadow.  Later I started school and back then we walked on sidewalks in the neighborhood to “get me to the school on time”.  While walking, I observed many moving shadows composed from various objects: trees, houses, birds, dogs and storms!  I was just learning new words and their definition and discovering scriptures in the Bible that gave me comfort. “GOD has been my strength when needy in distress, a refuge from the storm, A SHADOW from the heat and blasts from the terrible ones.”Isaiah 25:4  So when Halloween time approached, I wanted “my shadow” accompanying me to first grade school carnival.  Each class decorated and you paid to go inside their room to play a game.  My class did bobbing for apples. I was remembering  Ps.17:8  “Keep me as the apple of the HIS eye and HIDE ME UNDER THE SHADOW OF GOD’S WINGS”  Those costumes and spooks were creepy to me so I held on to “In the SHADOW OF GOD’S HAND HE HID ME” Isaiah 49:2  “How excellent is God’s loving kindness therefore children put their trust under the shadow of God’s wings” Ps.36:7 ..”because GOD has been my help, I will rejoice in the SHADOW OF THY WINGS” Ps.63:7  Facing the unknown darkness and evil at any age is daunting!  Just as I felt security next to my mother as a toddler, I have GOD’S everlasting love, strength, wisdom holding and guiding me through the unknown today.  You choose a trick or a real treat this year…“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness, nor does His shadow turn..from the word of truth.”  James 1:17,18     “He who dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY” PS.91:1 

The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Greeting By Provision – Grace

Bible Audio Blog
      20060723 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Greeting By Provision - Grace - Rev. Tommy Jones


I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  Who said that?  Was it #Mohammed, #Buddha,  #Krishna or #JesusChrist?  Jesus made that bold claim in John 14:6 and as God’s son he is able to back it up.  He is also uniquely qualified to work in our lives to bring us joy, real joy.  Paul closes his letter to the Christians at Philippi by wishing God’s grace upon them.  What is grace?  Can we earn it through good works or behavior?  What are the means of grace?  What are the types of grace?  Who is our source of God’s grace?  

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from Barbara's Bible

With the changing of seasons we like to be #clothed for the #climate #changes.  I remember as a child I read Hans Christian Anderson’s  ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.  What a #shocker !  However, that tale taught me about perceived reality.  Do clothes make a man?  What’s behind the mask, the microphone, the screen, the video, or the internet?   It was a child calling out that the Emperor had NO CLOTHES ON which exposed the TRUTH .  Do we want truth today?  “BLESS the LORD O,GOD thou art very GREAT; MY GOD IS CLOTHED WITH HONOR AND MAJESTY COVERED WITH LIGHT AS WITH A GARMENT THAT STRETCHES OUT THE HEAVEN LIKE A CURTAIN”  Psalms 104:1,2  Do you think Anderson was writing about a ruler who thought himself equal to GOD?  With what are we clothed?  11Corinthians 5 speaks to us “We groan earnestly desiring to be clothed for our house which is for heaven: but if so be that being clothed we are actually found naked…being burdened not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed with the mortal’s way of life that might swallow us up.”   We have many tales portrayed on screen such as in the ‘Wizard of Oz’ with a voice behind the curtain trying to rule others.  Sound familiar ?   Job said in chapter 29 “that God preserved me when His candle shined upon my head and when by His Light I walked through darkness …the nobles held their peace and their tongues…while GOD CLOTHED ME IN RIGHTEOUSNESS as men gave ear and kept silent at my counsel and …the light of GOD’S countenance they cast not down”  Truth comes from the Lord.  “The LORD has sworn TRUTH unto David; he will not turn from it…if your children will keep my covenant and my testimonies I shall teach them & bless..GOD WILL CLOTHE WITH SALVATION, but upon His ENEMIES WILL I CLOTHE WITH SHAME” Psalms 132

The Joy of Jesus – Serenity In Your Contemplation – Ground For Greeting – In The Politeness

Bible Audio Blog
      20060709 Joy Of Jesus - Serenity In Your Contemplation - Grounds For Greeting - In The Politeness - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Civility, #politeness, #courtesy – where have they gone?  If you watch the #news and these days it is hard to escape, you know that what gets reported is the #violent or #vulgar.  But if you are fortunate enough to gather with others and better yet other believers, hopefully you can get a dose of common decency.  If you are a Christ follower, or saint as the Bible calls us, it should be in your new nature to spread politeness wherever you go.  How did Paul share the joy of Jesus while imprisoned?

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What is #vengeance?  See a rat – get a trap!  Webster’s dictionary definition of vengeance states: #Punishment inflicted in return for an injury or an offense is referred  #retribution !   With an election on the horizon there are so many #political ads and verbal #attacks being pronounced that it makes you wonder if there’s a skunk in the hen house?  Where is truth?  I trust God’s Word.  What does He say about vengeance? In the book of Nahum 1:2,3,7 we read, “GOD IS JEALOUS, and the LORD REVENGES; and IS FURIOUS; the LORD WILL TAKE VENGEANCE ON HIS ADVERSARIES AND RESERVES WRATH FOR HIS ENEMIES.. . The LORD is slow to anger and great in power but will not acquit the wicked...The LORD IS GOOD, A STRONG HOLD IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE FOR HE KNOWS THEM THAT TRUST IN HIM.  Psalms 94:1,2 ”  Where are your thoughts today?  Are you alone?  Listen to God’s word…“If we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins only a fearful judgment with fiery indignation..…For we know THE LORD has said, “VENGEANCE BELONGS UNTO ME, I WILL RECOMPENSE AND JUDGE HIS PEOPLE.  IT IS A FEARFUL THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD.  So let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts cleansed from an evil conscience as we hold fast to the profession of our faith without wavering….do not cast away your confidence which has great promise of reward.  Have patience and do the will of the LORD so you may receive that promise. Hebrews 10  “O LORD GOD TO WHOM VENGEANCE BELONGS …LIFT US UP AND JUDGE AND RENDER A REWARD TO THE RIGHTEOUS.” Psalms58:11