The Miracle of Christmas

Bible Audio Blog
      20071216 Analyzing The Annunciation - The Miracle Of Christmas - Rev. Tommy Jones


Does #God care about us?  Does He have a plan to #save us?  When we think about the announcement of #Jesus Christ’s birth, we normally think of the message given to the shepherds in the field.  Brother Tommy explains the message given to Mary before His birth.  An angel comes to Mary and says miraculous details about what is to come.  How will she give birth without losing her virginity?  What will her baby be like?  What kind of future will He have?  Did the angel give her proof of what he was saying?  Who could go beyond the rules of conception but the Creator of the process?  What does this mean to us personally about being born again?

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The Hope of the Season


from Barbara's Bible

Today we are hearing more and more about our #Supreme #Court and the #Judges.  So much hinges on their rulings for the U.S. Presidential #election of 2020.  I would like to bring GOD’S WORD before you today!  “Far be it to slay the righteous with the wicked…shall not THE JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH DO RIGHT”  Genesis 18:25  “THE LORD IS OUR JUDGE; THE LORD IS OUR LAWGIVER, He is our King and WILL SAVE US” Isaiah 33:22  “For THE LIVING GOD IS THE JUDGE and HE PUTS DOWN ONE AND SETS UP ANOTHER.  All the horns of the wicked shall be cutoff but the righteous shall be exalted” Psalms 75:7,10  “GOD shall judge the secrets of men” Romans 2:16  “GOD SHALL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE” Psalms 135:14, Heb.10:30        “GOD, the Comforter is come to convince the world of sin and judgement for Spirit of Truth is come to guide you into truth” John 16:7-14   The Word of God is powerful and true.     Matthew 12:20,21  “A bruised reed shall GOD not break and smoking flax shall He not quench until He sends  forth JUDGMENT UNTO VICTORY for  IN GOD SHALL WE TRUST”

The Message of Christmas

Bible Audio Blog
      20071125 The Message Of Christmas - Rev. Tommy Jones


This month, we are going to break from our series on Mosaics of the Master and focus on the message of #Christmas.  Everybody gets excited about Christmas this time of year, but if it is for the wrong reason there can be a big let down when it is all over.  Here, Brother Tommy focuses on the message given to Mary about the miraculous baby she is to birth.  Did Mary do anything special to be chosen to deliver the Savior of the World?  Are Christ followers saved by anything that they have done?  Have you ever received a gift greater than you deserved?  How does a perfect God reconcile sinful man?  What is grace?  How does it lead to peace with God and with others?

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Christmas Season



from Barbara's Bible

#Family, #Church, #Schools, and #Society have certainly changed over the years!  It seems to me most anything goes according to all the little gods running to and fro taking center stage on all platforms.  I for one do not believe or follow their self idolizing philosophy !   Furthermore, GOD has given us His Word of perfection to ascertain in our lifetime for directions to walk with Him not the wiles of the devil.  I say, “Corrections are needed and are coming through the Lord, because THE LIVING GOD CORRECTS.”  How do I know, because it is written in the Bible.  “Trust in the LORD THIS DAY TO KNOW THE CERTAINTY OF THE WORDS OF TRUTH for the LORD will plead their cause and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them” Proverbs 22:19-23  We hear so many of man’s opinions over the airways why not listen or read the words of God?  {Shun profane and vain babblings}   “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, and CORRECTION which instructs into righteousness” 11Timothy 4:16   “When GOD REBUKES & has to CORRECT MAN for iniquity, GOD causes that which is desired in him to melt away.” Psalm 39:11  Are we seeing the LIVING GOD CORRECT TODAY?  “Woe to him that increases that which is not his? Who covets a house on high delivered from the power of evil! Then shall his mind change imputing this power for LORD MY GOD has ordained them for judgment and O MIGHTY GOD HAS ESTABLISHED THEM FOR CORRECTION”  Habakkuk 1,2,3 “O LORD REVIVE THY WORK IN THE MIDST OF THE YEARS MAKE IT KNOWN”   

Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Secret of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign

Bible Audio Blog
      20060820 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Secret Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Rev. Tommy Jones


If you have lived long enough, you have probably noticed that #suffering touches every one of us.  Why does #God allow it?  Can something good come out of suffering?  How does the Bible say we should handle these situations?  Where are we supposed to turn?  In this story, Jesus cautions us against a faith based on signs and miracles.  And yet, the man’s faith was rewarded with the healing of his son for the glory of God.  What was more significant, the healing of the son or the salvation of the man’s whole household?

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New Beginnings