Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Satisfaction of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign – 5000 Fed

Bible Audio Blog
      20060917 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Satisfaction Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - 5000 Fed - Rev. Tommy Jones


I have heard of stretching a #budget or scrounging together ingredients to make a #meal, but only one man could satisfactorily #feed a crowd of 5000 plus with five loaves of bread and two fishes.  Jesus Christ did that with baskets of leftovers.  The people he fed would not have starved without this food.  So, why would the Savior create sustenance for so many at this time?  Was there any hesitance from the disciples?  How about assistance?  Did Jesus need the boy’s lunch to perform this miracle?  Why did Jesus make enough to have leftovers?  Next week, God willing, the connection between Christ and the bread.

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God’s Word For You


Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Significance of Life – Delineated By A Saying

Bible Audio Blog
      20060910 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Significance Of Life - Delineated By A Saying - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Doors and #gates are often mentioned in the Bible.  They symbolize #transition.  #Jesus Christ claimed to be not A door but rather, THE door.  The door to what?  Doors also exclude.  What does Jesus hold back?  Some people think there are many doors, others think they don’t need a door, and some even think they can make their own door.  But, what does Jesus say?  In this passage, Christ compares us to sheep.  How are we similar to these creatures?  Is this just important to our eternal destination or does it impact our daily lives?  

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Help for Depression

Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Significance of Life – Demonstrated by a Sign

Bible Audio Blog
      20060903 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Significance Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Rev. Tommy Jones


Are you #paralyzed by #hopelessness?  Where can we find #hope?  There was a pool at Bethesda rumored to have healing properties.  An immobile man was trying his best to get into the pool when Jesus came along.  Did Jesus help him into the pool?  Or did He speak a miracle over the man that taught us an even better lesson?  What could have caused Jesus to single this man out?  What is the significance of the question He asked the man?  Maybe you are suffering not from a physical ailment but a sinful state of living.  Jesus Christ can forgive your sin and that is even more significant than any physical condition you might have.  You just have to trust and obey.

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It’s Black and White


Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Secret of Life – Delineated By A Saying

Bible Audio Blog
      20060827 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Secret Of Life - Delineated By A S - Rev. Tommy Jones


What is the #secret to #life?  Well, part of it is understanding that life is eternal.  It goes on after we leave this earthly shell.  What did #Jesus Christ say about life beyond this short period on Earth?  How important is the Truth?  Did Jesus say that He was one of many ways to salvation?  Would you rather somebody tell you the way or show it to you?  A very popular saying these days is my truth, but only Christ could say that He is the truth.  What happens to anybody that tries to counter Jesus with their truth?  What are we promised about life if we have the Son?  Is it just for life after we leave this Earth or does it have impact on our day to day?

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The War Against Sin