Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Surety of Life – Delineated By A Saying – Resurrection And The Life

Bible Audio Blog
      20061112 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Surety Of Life - Delineated By A Saying - Resurrection & Life - Rev. Tommy Jones


God’s timing is perfect.  When I started this series, I did not plan to end on #Easter bringing you this message.  But, #God did.  You will #live forever.  But, where?  #Jesus said that He was the #Resurrection and the #Life.  Did He back that up with actions?  Has anyone else been able to duplicate what Christ did?  Did Jesus reveal His identity and most significant truths in large gatherings or one on one?  Why?  Death haunts us all, even more so the older we get.  Can this statement lead us to a decision that will take the sting out of death?  Is it accurate to call death the enemy?  How does this statement of resurrection and life cover everything?  

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Are you #distressed?  Worldwide, I think this #covid pandemic has created turmoil on all of society,  The masked riders of 2020 & 21 have been prevalent among us!  To whom do you go for HELP in such a time as this?  Who is all powerful in your life?  Some look to the government while others only trust in big pharma, and many listen to their local doctor or check latest suggested information on Tube.  May I recommend God’s Word  Psalm 120, 121  “IN MY DISTRESS, I CRIED UNTO THE LORD AND HE HEARD ME….MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD….HE IS MY KEEPER…..LORD WILL PRESERVE ME FROM ALL EVIL AS I GO AND COME EVEN FOREVER”  Think it’s Time to talk to the LORD?

Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Surety of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign – Lazarus Raised

Bible Audio Blog
      20061105 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Surety Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Lazarus Raised - Rev. Tommy Jones


Is there anything after #death?  We all have wondered at one time or another what happens at the end of #life.  Maybe it was at the funeral of a loved one or at a graveside.  That is exactly where Jesus gave us the answer to that age old question.  If Christ knew what He was about to do, why would He weep for His friend?  What doubts did Martha have before Jesus raised her dead brother, Lazarus?  Did she overcome her doubt with faith?  What was the significance of the timing and way that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead?  What can we learn from the prayer Jesus prayed?  Just imagine the rejoicing of the faithful after this miracle.  Can you believe that some people saw this fantastic event and went straight to the enemies of Jesus?  What will you do with this knowledge?

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Sunshine of Life – Delineated By A Saying – I Am The Light

Bible Audio Blog
      20061029 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Sunshine Of Life - Delineated By A Saying - I Am The Light - Rev. Tommy Jones


Does your #life seem like a dark maze?  #Jesus Christ promised to light your #path.  Are we living in the last days?  Will this world get even darker?  The Bible says that men will call evil good and good evil.  Have we seen that lately?  But, as we mentioned last week the light penetrates and overcomes the dark.  Jesus did not claim to be a light, rather He said that He was the light.  How did this equate to Him staking His claim to be the Messiah?  Maybe you recognize that Christ is the light of the World.  Is that enough?  What does it mean to follow the light?  Like the moon reflects the Sun to light the night, we are to reflect the Son to light a dark world.  

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Mosaics Of The Master – Christ The Sunshine of Life – Demonstrated By A Sign – Blind Man Healed

Bible Audio Blog
      20061022 Mosaics Of The Master - Christ The Sunshine Of Life - Demonstrated By A Sign - Blind Man Healed - Rev. Tommy Jones


Does #darkness have any properties?  No, it is just the absence of #light.  #Jesus Christ said, ‘I am the light.’  What should we take away from the fact that Jesus stopped to #heal this man from a birth defect?  What Old Testament prophecy about the messiah did this fulfill?  Are disabilities or even setbacks due to sin?  How can an illness glorify God?  Did Jesus wait for an audience to do this miracle?  Did Christ need the materials He used to heal the man?  As unbelievers, did we not experience this same miracle?

Note from a sermon I heard today:  Painful situations for Christians are like stained glass, up close they look jagged and random but when we get some distance, we can see a beautiful picture.  

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