Darkness versus Light


Are you #confused by #contrasting #statements proclaiming #factual #data which is being #broadcast today?  We see or hear partial or twisted facts to suit the agenda which they promote.  Do you feel you are being manipulated?  At times like these, where do you turn ?  Where is truth?  I look to The LORD and HIS WORD for guidance.  Why?   Titus 1 saids, “There are many vain talkers and deceivers….do not give heed to those that turn from the truth.  There is hope of eternal life which GOD, WHO CANNOT LIE, PROMISED BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN .  Hold fast to the faithful true word of GOD.”  So hold on to God’s Truth not twisted lies of satan during this two- faced dominating onslaught ! ….”We know the Son of God is come and has given us an understanding sooo We May Know Jesus Christ Who Is The True God and Eternal Life.” 1John 5:20

Christ Is The Answer – The Glory Of The Shame

Bible Audio Blog
      20000528 Christ Is The Answer - The Glory Of The Shame - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Pride is celebrated today.  The #Bible says that pride goes before a fall.  #Jesus Christ came not as a rich educated ruler, but as a humble, poor migrant.  And yet, what the World finds shameful, the believer finds glorious.  Do the worldly wise look for the messiah?  What need do the rich or ruling class have for the savior?  It is not impossible, but Paul says that not many of them will be saved.  Did God have a reason to use a simple method of salvation to save the Chosen?  To whom does the glory belong?  

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How’s your #remote #control with your #TV working?  Around six this morning while waking up in the bed, I reached for the remote to turn on the TV to check the weather report.  OOPHS hit wrong button – black screen- punched again – goes off – hit again – green screen then orange! So I Turn on light & get manual !  What does it say?  STAY ON THE CORRECT INPUT OR SOURCE – RESET…That took my thoughts to the LORD and HIS WORD.  Psalms 118:5,6  “I called upon the LORD in my distress: the LORD ANSWERED ME AND *HE *SET *ME IN A LARGE PLACE FOR THE LORD IS ON MY SIDE: I WILL NOT FEAR.”  I realized as the sun was rising that not only did my TV & remote need a reset, but so did I.   By reading God’s manual the Bible, I am guided by the Holy Spirit step by step to clear my connection to THE LIVING GOD ....RESET ON CORRECT INPUT

Christ Is The Answer – Lift High The Cross

Bible Audio Blog
      20000521 Christ Is The Answer - Lift High The Cross - Rev. Tommy Jones


The #cross, is it a stumbling #block, foolishness, or the answer to #eternal #life?  That depends on how you approach it.  Can we find our way to God by philosophizing or working hard to be good?  What did Paul say was to be the primary theme of preaching?  The message of the cross is simple yet profound.  Why does man’s wisdom balk at the simplicity of the cross?  What quality do we need to see the cross for what it truly is?  Have you ever asked God for a sign?  How can we see the cross properly?  

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Morgan’s Testimony



Christ Is The Answer – Dealing With Divisions In The Church

Bible Audio Blog
      20000514 Christ Is The Answer - Dealing With Divisions In A Church - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Unity, #politicians and #pundits promise it, but can they deliver it?  Without #Jesus, it will not be possible.  Well then, the #church has a better chance than the #nation, right?  What do we need to recognize first?  Are the divisive voices big or small?  How should these differences be analyzed?  Is there a common theme?  From where does the Bible say contention comes?  How does Paul reveal the absurdity of these divisions?  Identifying and addressing the problem is important, but what is the solution?

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