Back before we had all these #phones and digital #calendars, people would tie a string around their finger as a #reminder. But, what good is a reminder if we don’t know what it is supposed to bring to remembrance? Back in the Old Testament God dwelt in the temple. Where does the New Testament say that God dwells now? What makes this temple holy? What does it mean when we are told not to spoil, mar, or corrupt this temple? How can we become wise? How can we tap into a spiritual fortune? Let this scripture remind us whose we are and what we possess as Christians.
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Do you ask yourself, ‘Who Cares?’ I answer myself, “GOD DOES!” What or Who gives me that assurance ? GOD’S WORD TELLS ME SO. “Consider my affliction and rescue me for I do not forget thy WORD” Ps.119:154 “In my distress, I cried unto the LORD AND HE HEARD ME” Psalm 120:l “WHEN EVIL COMES UPON US, I CRY UNTO THE LORD IN MY DISTRESS AND GOD WILL HEAR AND HELP” 11Chronicles 20:9 “Trust in the LORD for He is our HELP and SHIELD” Psalm 115:9 You see YOU matter to GOD and HE actually listens to you! You don’t need to have a code for He has your number…”I LOVE the LORD BECAUSE HE HAS HEARD MY VOICE AND MY SUPPLICATIONS AND HAS TURNED HIS EAR UNTO ME; therefore I WILL CALL UPON HIM AS LONG AS I LIVE.…for HIS MERCIFUL KINDNESS IS GREAT and the TRUTH of the LORD ENDURES FOREVER” Psalm 116:1.2-117:2 GOD CARES ABOUT YOU !!!
How are you planning for the #future? Every one of us is building a #life right now. Some of us are just trying to #survive while others are expanding our #RealEstate or #401k. But, what if there is a test at the end of this world to see what will last for eternity? All buildings including our lives start with a foundation. What makes Jesus Christ the only enduring foundation, the solid rock? How is repentance like excavation? The foundation is just the start. What should we put on top of it? The Bible says what you have built will be tried with fire. What are works? How does a works judgment differ from a salvation judgment? How important will motives and means be?
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Today I have observed that most individuals think #commands are to be #ignored, #negotiated, or #changed according to their #desires! As I was growing up in Texas many years ago, parents, teachers, and police had #authority. Today I hear something like…”this is your honey do list” if you wish to do it! God does not change nor does His Word. “ALL GOD’S COMMANDMENTS ARE SURE AND TRUE STANDING FAST FOREVER AND EVER” Psalms 111:7-10 I see our nation listening to popular self centered idolatry while actively turning their backs on camera to GOD’S COMMANDS. What does Isaiah 48:17-22 say? “The LORD said, ‘O that you had hearkened to my commands THEN you would have peace and righteousness…but there is no peace unto the wicked” As I watch the news, I hear and see what is right being portrayed as wrong and wrong being made right. “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed…We have the spirit of faith believing and knowing Lord Jesus shall raise us up…for GOD COMMANDS HIS LIGHT TO SHINE OUT OF DARKNESS INTO OUR HEARTS GIVING KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF GOD IN THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST..THAT THE EXCELLENCY OF THE POWER MAY BE OF GOD AND NOT OF US” 11Corinthians 4
Have you spent any time on your #lawn, #garden, or maybe a #farm? Then you know what it takes to get a good result. Who has invested time and effort to help you grow? If you have asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, you are called to plant seeds and tend to others. What does the Master expect from His servants? What is the one ability we should bring to the table when serving Christ? What are we not able to do in the garden? Some tasks are better done by certain servants. What gifts have you been given? Why is it important to focus on the Master and not the division of labor? Are there rewards for this task of gardening and how will they be distributed?
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