The Treasure of Gold


Christ Is The Answer – Within The Family Of Faith

Bible Audio Blog
      20000820 Christ Is The Answer - Within The Family Of Faith - Rev. Tommy Jones


There is no other institution quite like #family.  That can have a #good connotation or a #bad one.  The ideal model that #God set up in the beginning is a strong uplifting entity.  The church is a family that you can choose and join.  Do you have a father in the Faith?  Which lesson is better, a lecture or an example?  Brother Tommy often said that more is caught than taught.  What is the power that Paul says he will measure when he arrives?  Is there a proper type of discipline within the family of Faith?  

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Sowing Good Seeds



#Laws are #changing within a #blink of the eye or should I say #mask! Who makes your #rules?  Do you have a Dictator, or Czar, or Potentate, or President, or Govenor, or Mayor decreeing statues by which you must comply?  We are seeing what child play of yesteryear called “fruit basket turnover”.   Rules/bylaws are being overturned daily!  I am so thankful to tell you GOD NEVER CHANGES HIS LAWS.  “Blessed is the one who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly…but delights in the LAW OF THE LORD in which he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:1,2  Let us say ..”Teach me good judgment and knowledge of GOD’S statutes as I remember thy name, O LORD, and keep thy law.” Psalm 119:55,68 “For there is one lawgiver who can save or destroy” James 4:12   “FOR THE LORD IS OUR LAWGIVER AND JUDGE…HE WILL SAVE US” Isaiah 33:22  Who is really in charge?  “LAW OF THE LORD IS PERFECT” Psalm 19:7  “What shall we say then? Is the law sin?  God forbid.  I would not have known sin, lust, coveting but by God’s law…For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD” Romans 7:7, 6:23   THE LIVING GOD THE LAWGIVER  RULES    

Christ Is The Answer – A Passage That Punctures Pride

Bible Audio Blog
      20000813 Christ Is The Answer - A Passage That Punctures Pride - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Pride is everywhere today, celebrated by the World.  But what does the #Bible say about pride?  Pride was the original sin.  Have we learned our lesson yet?  How can we puncture pride by looking at ourselves in the mirror of the Word?  How self confident should we be of gifts we have received from God?  What is it about pride that makes us slow down before the race is over?  We love to compare ourselves to others, but rarely do we compare ourselves to the apostles.  Listen for a special note on political correctness.  What are we willing to put aside for the Kingdom of God?  One more test of pride is how do you retaliate when wronged?

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Pearl of Great Price


#WORK seems to be #destained today.  I am observing many who seemly want somebody else to take care of them while they accomplish their self indulgence, because WORK is beneath them. “Exertion & toil of strength or facilities to accomplish something with labor” is Websters’ definition of work.  Obviously, many do not know the most High Majestic LORD’S WORK.   “CONSIDER THE WORK OF GOD” Ecclesiastes 7:13  “In the beginning GOD CREATED heaven and earth….GOD FORMED MAN in His own image Male and Female created He them”  Genesis 1:27  “WORKS OF LORD are Great, Honorable, Glorious, Pleasurable, & to be Remembered” Ps.111:2  “How Great are  WORKS of GOD’S HANDS which have made me GLAD” Ps.92:4   Does your work bring joy to others?  “Mighty in Work and Counsel, GOD’S eyes are open to all the ways of men giving them each according to the fruit of their doings” Jeremiah 32:18,19  [pay to play] It is God who WORKS IN YOU both to will and do of His good pleasure Philippians 2:13  Trust, follow, listen to the Master !  “BE CONFIDENT OF THIS VERY THING THAT GOD WHO BEGAN A GOOD WORK IN YOU WILL PERFORM IT UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST” Phil.1:6

Christ Is The Answer – To Find & Fill Your Proper Place

Bible Audio Blog
      20000806 Christ Is The Answer - To Find & Fill Your Proper Place - Rev. Tommy Jones


What are we here for?  Many today find life #meaningless, #purposeless, or even downright #depressing.  #Christ is the answer.  In the body of Christ, the church, we can find acceptance and belonging.  But what happens when believers don’t take their proper place?  Paul told the Corinthians how to rectify this situation.  What part does humility play?  Less of me means more of Jesus.  What is a steward?  Management can be a draining job when there is a difficult boss or a rogue manager, but when there is a good boss or owner and the managers are aligned, the task becomes fulfilling even enjoyable.  Judgment is reserved for whom?  Paul put little weight in the judgment of others of him and none in his own judgment of himself.  Whose judgment really matters?  Will every Christian receive praise in the end?

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