Paul, an apostle, meaning he had been called by #Jesus Christ was a Roman #citizen and a Jew in good standing. This means that he had #liberties, #freedoms, and #rights like very few in his audience. And yet were his rights and freedoms enough to save his soul? Fun fact, was Paul ever married? Should a church support their pastor? But what did Paul do when it came to excersizing all of these rights and why? Christians should be less concerned about rights and more consumed with our responsibilities? How is the Christian life comparable to a race?
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A #Christian has #freedom to do many things as they go about daily life. Back in Paul’s day, meat that had come from a sacrifice to idols was finding its way into the market. The Corinthians wondered if they were culpable if they ate this food. But we can glean a much richer lesson from Paul’s answer. Can we apply this knowledge to current issues like drinking, gambling, smoking, or other behaviors? Is it enough to know that we are allowed to do a certain activity? Do we also have a responsibility to our fellow man concerning our witness? What about the guidance of the Holy Spirit? What principles did Paul lay out for deciding whether something is right or wrong? What are the consequences of pursuing an activity despite its effect on others?
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What does the Bible say about #marriage #counseling? Should a Christian marry a non-Christian? What happens when one of the couple comes to salvation but not the other? Believers are called on to bring peace into whatever situation they are found. Is there any advice for Christ followers considering marriage? Paul says to seek not two things about marriage. What is the highest priority, pleasing God or pleasing your spouse? Paul previously talked about divorce and when a Christian can and should remarry but what about widows and widowers?
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