If trusting in #Jesus #Christ as your #Lord and #Savior only bestowed #eternal life on the #Believer that would be more than enough to make it worth our decision. But God did not stop there. He has bestowed every one of the Faithful with one nor more spiritual gifts. Are spiritual gifts the same as spiritual fruit? What are these gifts and can anybody have more than one? Only the Holy Spirit enables a person to say that Jesus is Lord. What will the true Christian never say? What role do each of the three figures of the Godhead play in the function of these gifts? For what purpose are we given these gifts? Later Paul will give a full list of the spiritual gifts, but here he lists the ones the Corinthians were struggling to handle. Why are some gifts less evident today? The gifts Paul covers in this passage are wisdom, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, and the speaking and interpretation of tongues.
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How should a #Christian #celebrate the Lord’s Supper? Are there things to keep in mind when we partake of this sacrament? How often should a church come together for the Lord’s Supper? What can we learn from the mistakes that the Corinthians made regarding this ceremony? How important is church unity? Is the Lord’s Supper a chance to eat and drink or a time to show obedience? How should we prepare for this ordinance? Does God punish or chasten His people? What is the difference and what is the proper response? What is the message we send by properly partaking of the Lord’s Supper?
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When Paul wrote Corinthians was he being a #mysogynist? Do you think it was easier for the men to hear that they were to submit to #God in everything? Consider the atmosphere in Corinth at the time. How were the prostitutes recognized at that time? Many people seize on the headship of man over woman in this passage but there are three headships mentioned here. What happens to the image of God when we fail to recognize His headship? Did Christ recognize God’s authority over Him even though He was part of the Trinity? What is the difference between reverence and practice when it comes to this message of purity? How are men cautioned about authority? Reverential worship requires inward purity and outward modesty to participate.
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What should a #Christian do about personal #behavior that they have #questions about but is not explicitly denounced in the #Bible? Are we willing to set certain activities aside for the glory of God and the good of others? God offers us guidance, deliverance, assurance, and sustenance. How are these provisions meant to offset the temptations we face? What examples can we see in the wandering Israelites that parallel the struggles we face? What is the danger of believing that we are in good standing? 1 Corinthians 10:13 is the ultimate verse to help us with temptation.
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