December 5th Message


Christmas Meaning

Bible Audio Blog
      20001119 Christmas Meaning - Rev. Tommy Jones


As we begin the #Advent season, counting down the days until #Christmas, let’s take a closer look at the meaning behind this worldwide holiday.  Is it about presents or parties?  Well, without God’s gift of His Son to this world as payment for our wrongdoings none of this would be happening.  Brother Tommy uses Hebrews 2 to give us the full weight of the importance of this incredible event in history.  What can we learn about the God-man who came about this time of year?  Why was He born to die?  How did Jesus destroy the accuser?  How does He conquer the tempter?  What do we mean when we say that Christ has defeated sin?  Where does that leave us in regards to our relationship with God?  So who got delivered by this miraculous Christmas arrival?

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Tis the Season


Thanksgiving Through Thanksliving

Bible Audio Blog
      19971123 Thanksgiving Through Thanksliving - Rev. Tommy Jones


The book of #Psalms is full of examples and exhortations of giving #thanks to the #Lord.  Here in #America, we have a national holiday dedicated to #Thanksgiving.  But it is a biblical practice for all Christians around the world.  I was reading Psalm 100 today and verses 4 and 5 say, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise!  Give thanks to Him;  bless His name!  For the Lord is good;  His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.”  

Brother Tommy is focusing today on Psalm 116.  What are four ways listed in the Psalm that we can use to offer up thanksgiving to the Lord?  How can we show our thanks to the Lord beyond lip service?  How often should we show our gratefulness?  Even on a rough day, we can find something for which to be thankful.  Why would God command this and how is it for our good?  If you proclaim your thankfulness but live like you have been slighted or wronged, are you truly thanksliving?

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Giving Thanks


A Religion of Remnants

Bible Audio Blog
      20001112 A Religion Of Remnants - Rev. Tommy Jones


This week, we are going to look at our #worship.  Who do we worship? Is it worthy worship?  Do we worship #creation rather than the #creator?  The Bible says that where we spend our time and money that is where our heart lies.  When we do recognize God with our time and money, are we giving our best or the remnants?  What is the biblical principle of first fruits?  

We are taking a 6 week break from our Christ is the Answer series until the new year.  

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The Right Life



Christ Is The Answer – Realization In Worship

Bible Audio Blog
      20010128 Christ Is The Answer - Realization In Worship - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever known somebody who was all #feet, or more #brawn than #brains?  We value #balance in individuals and the same goes for #Christ and His church.  Can you be a member of THE church without a personal relationship with Jesus?  When does the baptism of the Spirit occur?  Have you ever gotten a small cut or scrape on an out of the way body part and been shocked by how many times you feel it throughout the day?  There are no unimportant parts of the body and there are no unimportant roles in the church.  Is it easier to comfort or congratulate?  Paul gives a list of spiritual gifts to the Corinthians and rebalanced the weight and frequency of each one.

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