In this chapter of First Corinthians, Paul goes from the #spiritual to the #practical. Why would he bookend these two subjects so closely? Where should our heart be? And how about our feet? Here we see guidance for the church in how to collect money and examples of how it should be used. Is there any guidance given to believers about how and when to give? By the way, this chapter includes one of the first clues about what day of the week on which the early church worshipped. Do attitude and intention matter when giving? Are there different expectations of giving from different levels of givers? Are commandments given to us for God’s good or ours? Did you know that there is a difference between tithes and offerings?
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If you have repented of your sins and asked #Jesus to be your #Lord and #Savior, what can you expect in the #afterlife. What happens to the body when we die? Will there be some that won’t die? What is the difference between translation and transformation? What does it mean to be absent from the body but present with the Lord? What is meant by the last trump or trumpet? Christianity has stages – justification, sanctification, and finally resurrection. This gives Christ followers victory over what? Who deserves the credit for all of this good news? How then should we proceed to live? What is the difference between working for the Lord and doing the work of the Lord?
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What will our #resurrection bodies be like? Will they be similar to the ones we have now or will they be vastly different? Will our resurrection bodies be recognizable for who we are? What is meant by the term spiritual body? And what can we extrapolate from Jesus Christ’s resurrected form? Paul gives us a glimpse into these answers in First Corinthians. How can we be assured to get a resurrected spiritual body?
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