Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Retention of Respectability

Bible Audio Blog
      20050306 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Retention Of Respectability - Rev. Tommy Jones


Is #morality #relative?  Consider the source, if we follow #man made rules, then yes it is.  But, if we have been given a code of conduct by the Giver of #Life, the #Creator, then no it is not.  Today we are looking at the third of the Ten Commandments which tells us not to take the Lord’s name in vain.  Is this commandment just about speech or does it include conduct as well?  What are the names used for God in the Bible and what do they mean?  How had God established His name with His people before giving them this commandment?  What act were the Israelites told to do in Egyptian captivity that foreshadowed the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ to free us from our bondage to sin and death?  How seriously did the people in the Bible and even the transcribers of the Bible take God’s name?  Are there any verses that tell us that this commandment applies to more than speech and extends to conduct?  What do cursing, hypocrisy, perjury, and blasphemy have in common?  What is meant by the punishment of not being held guiltless?  

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Salvation of Spirituality

Bible Audio Blog
      20050227 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Salvation Of Spirituality - Rev. Tommy Jones


How many of the #TenCommandments are about our relationship with #God?  What do the others have in common?  Last week, we took a little break for Easter.  This week, we look at commandment number two.  What shape is your idol?  We may scoff at ancient people who made miniature representations of mythical gods.  But is that the only way we misplace our worship?  Brother Tommy goes through quite a list of modern idols.  Ouch!  Anything that takes your time, attention, and/or honor from the Lord is an idol in your life.  When is tolerance a bad thing?  Are there temptations even in the church for misplaced worship?  When somebody says they don’t worship anything, are they wrong?  How can statues and shrines take away from the spiritual worship of God?  The Bible tells guys that God is jealous.  Isn’t jealousy bad?  How do our actions have generational consequences?  Our propensity to worship shows that we want a relationship with God and the Good News is that He sent His Son, Jesus to us providing a way.

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Easter – The Power Of The Resurrection

Bible Audio Blog
      20050327 Easter - The Power Of The Resurrection - Rev. Tommy Jones


Why do we celebrate #Easter?  Is it just to mark the beginning of #Spring or to get #chocolate?  Some do, but the original and best reason is to celebrate when God raised His only Son from the dead to defeat the curse of sin.  Does God have resurrection power?  Is there any proof outside of the Bible to corroborate that Jesus Christ rose alive from the tomb?  Can you personally know the power of the resurrection?  What kind of power can you expect?  If you are not a Christian, how should you dress for Easter?

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