Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Protection of Property

Bible Audio Blog
      20050424 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Protection Of Property - Rev. Tommy Jones


Is #Jesus a #socialist?  What does #God think about the #right to private property?  But wait, does the commandment against stealing only pertain to material things?  What are the only three ways to receive goods and services?  Are we allowed to not only possess property but to protect it?  The Bible has much to say about what how we should use those possessions, but it definitely follows that we have to own and protect property in order to use it to glorify God and to help others.  Can we steal from God?  Is it possible to steal from ourself?  If you think the Old Testament penalties for stealing were harsh, just remember that not measuring up to any part of God’s law means falling short of the Glory of God.  And if you don’t accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will still be guilty.  Let Brother Tommy remind you of all the areas you may have forgotten about like taxes, wages, gambling, and tithing.  Maybe you are sensing a theme through these messages on the Ten Commandments.  If it seems like it is impossible to keep any of these rules, you are correct.  But God sacrificed His Son to pay the penalty for us and give us the power to live abundantly.

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Predilection of Purity

Bible Audio Blog
      20050417 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Predilection Of Purity - Rev. Tommy Jones


#SexIsFreedom or is it?  Many of today’s societal issues center around #sex like #abortion, #LGBT issues, #GayMarriage, #pornography, etc.   #God created sex for a specific situation and yes He made it pleasurable for our enjoyment.  But, what happens when we try to enjoy sex outside of God’s parameters?  God made sex to be enjoyed between one man and one woman in a marriage.  How did God make the two sexes complimentary?  What does it mean to be unequally yoked?  How does lust differ from love?  How serious is sexual sin and who does it hurt?  What is the solution to our wandering eye?  How did Jesus handle the sexually impure sinner?

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Vindication of Vitality

Bible Audio Blog
      20050410 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Vindication Of Vitality - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Life, what would we do to protect it?  #GeneSplicing, #Cloning, #RoevWade, and #MRNAvaccines are all in the news lately.  What do these have to do with the commandment not to kill?  Are we allowed to eat animals?  Is killing for protection allowed?  What does the Bible say about the death penalty?  Does it apply to suicide?  This includes shortening the lives of ourselves or anyone else through our actions.  How about abortion?  What is deicide and how does it apply here and now?  In the New Testament, Jesus Christ elaborated on this commandment and told us our motives are what will be judged.  This is the commandment that most people believe that they have not broken, but Jesus showed us that we are all guilty and in need of rescue.  

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Liberty In Law – Law of Legacy – Production of Propriety

Bible Audio Blog
      20050403 Liberty In Law - Law Of Legacy - Production Of Propriety - Rev. Tommy Jones


Happy #Mother’sDay!  Is the #culture today honoring #mothers and #fathers?  Can we blame it on today’s prevailing attitude or do we ourselves fail to measure up to God’s ideal?  As we transition from the commandments that apply to our relationship with God, the command to honor father and mother leads us into the commandments that apply to our relationship with other people.  What does that say about God’s ideal for society that He puts primary importance on family over government or school?  What does honoring your parents look like?  Does this only apply to God loving parents?  Where would we be without them?  How does God feel about disrespectful offspring?  Does the Bible say anything about the parents’ responsibility?  Is there anything unique about this commandment?  What can we see that D. L. Moody noticed many years ago about obedient children and their outcomes?

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