Basic Biblical Beliefs – What Is Man?

Bible Audio Blog
      19980517 Basic Biblical Beliefs - What Is Man? - Rev. Tommy Jones


This is not about the difference between #man and #woman, which is clearly laid out in the Bible.  But rather, the bigger picture about what is #humanity?  #Humanism has risen up with an answer, but is it the right one?  We are made of dust, but is that all there is to us?  Once our physical elements have been formed what does God do to make us come alive?  Once body and God breathed spirit are combined, what unique third element is created?  Where do we place in the many creations of God?  In whose image were we created?  Since we are eternal beings should we not be more interested in where eternity will be spent?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – He’s Got The Whole World In His Hand

Bible Audio Blog
      19980510 Basic Biblical Beliefs - He's Got The Whole World In His Hands - Rev. Tommy Jones


This truth that #God has the whole #world in His hands is more than just a song for #children.  Last week, we learned that God created the Universe but just as important, He sustains it.  If the Lord  didn’t maintain the Universe, it would fly apart.  The Bible tells us that He is responsible for our next breath.  What if God didn’t keep our climate in the narrow range of temperature we can withstand?  What does the term providence mean?  Why does God continue to uphold this world?  What are we to make of the natural disasters that befall us?  What is special providence?  

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – This Is My Father’s World

Bible Audio Blog
      19980426 Basic Biblical Beliefs - This Is My Father's World - Rev. Tommy Jones


I heard a scientific commentator the other day say that if any of the constants we have discovered in the #universe like #gravity, the speed of #light, our #orbit around the sun, etc. were off by a decimal point, #life would not exist.  And yet, some people still doubt the existence of a #Creator.  God asked Job, where were you when I set these things in place.  Because this is my Father’s world.  How does His Word, the Bible, start off in the very first sentence?  What are some of the dangers involved in the alternative views of the origin of our world?  Was our universe designed with wisdom or a random process?  Ray Comfort says, “the building is proof of the builder, the painting is proof of the painter, and Creation is proof of the Creator.”  Why are we here?  Why does the Bible say God created this universe?  Did He know what would happen?  What was His plan from the beginning for our salvation?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – These Three Go Together

Bible Audio Blog
      19980419 Basic Biblical Beliefs - These Three Go Together - Rev. Tommy Jones


What are the essential aspects of #God?  How do they work together for our good?  God is always righteous.  How is that comforting?  How is it challenging?  What is right and wrong?  Where can we find out?  God is perfectly righteous and cannot accept anything short of that.  How does He provide a way for us to get to a state of righteousness?  God is love, but what kind of love?  How does Jesus prove these aspects of God?  What is the wrath of God and for whom is it reserved?  What happens if we focus too much on any one of these aspects?  

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