Basic Biblical Beliefs – The Problem Surveyed And Solved

Bible Audio Blog
      19980614 Basic Biblical Beliefs - The Problem Surveyed And Solved - Rev. Tommy Jones


Last week, we talked about #sin and how it entered the #world.  What is the extent of this problem and is there a #solution?  When faced with an unsolved problem how should we approach it?  How is sin like an iceberg?  How does it blind and numb?  It also degrades and destroys.  What are the effects of sin both now and later?  Is there a God given escape from the guilt and penalty of sin?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – Public Enemy Number One

Bible Audio Blog
      19980531 Basic Biblical Beliefs - Public Enemy Number One - Rev. Tommy Jones


On the list of the #FBI most wanted, what should be the biggest threat to our temporal and #eternal safety?  It is something we all face on a daily basis.  Some deny it all together, while others downplay it and some even celebrate it.  Where and when did this enemy appear?  How does that affect us all daily?  Is there any hope of escaping the results of this enemy, has anyone ever conquered it?  In a few days, we will celebrate the birth of our hope, the Savior.  It is my prayer that if you do not know Jesus Christ personally, that you will make the decision to repent and believe in Him.

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – From Collector To Benefactor

Bible Audio Blog
      19980524 Basic Biblical Beliefs - From Collector To Benefactor - Rev. Tommy Jones


Can #people really #change?  How many #self-help books fill the shelves of the local book store?  And yet, the Bible shows us example after example of how Jesus Christ changed people immediately.  Do you realize how hated this man was that Jesus befriended?  Zacchaeus had teamed up with the oppressors to collect all the money he could from his fellow Jews.  How lonely do you think this man must have been?  Guaranteed, he wasn’t welcome in the temple.  How surprised would Zacchaeus have been to be called by name from up in a tree and get a personal invitation?  What was this man’s response?  That invitation is open to you and me, how have you responded?  How do we know that this wasn’t just lip service?

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Basic Biblical Beliefs – What Is Man?

Bible Audio Blog
      19980517 Basic Biblical Beliefs - What Is Man? - Rev. Tommy Jones


This is not about the difference between #man and #woman, which is clearly laid out in the Bible.  But rather, the bigger picture about what is #humanity?  #Humanism has risen up with an answer, but is it the right one?  We are made of dust, but is that all there is to us?  Once our physical elements have been formed what does God do to make us come alive?  Once body and God breathed spirit are combined, what unique third element is created?  Where do we place in the many creations of God?  In whose image were we created?  Since we are eternal beings should we not be more interested in where eternity will be spent?

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