So, what do you do for a #living? Shortly after finding out your name and #family members, I would probably ask about your #work. Last week, we found out about the third person of the one true God, the Holy Spirit. What does He do? What part did He play in the creation of the world and not just the world, but your creation? What would happen to this world without the Holy Spirit? The biggest problem with this world is sin and man’s propensity to follow into it. The Holy Spirit is the one who affects change in us. Through conviction, what does He show us? We all need this conviction, but it would be merely depressing without regeneration. Who turns around and gives us comfort and growth? How have believers been sealed for their earnest inheritance?
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The #HolySpirit is probably the least understood part of the triune Godhead. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit has personhood, personality, intelligence, feelings, and will. How else could he decide which gifts to give each Christ follower or to guide and comfort us when needed? What kind of a relationship are we to have with the Holy Spirit? Where did the term Holy Ghost originate? How equal and eternal are the three persons of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit? Listen to all the passages where they act as one. Does the Holy Spirit want more recognition or does He want you to find Jesus?
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The book of John in the #Bible says that if all the works of #Jesus were written down that all the books in the world couldn’t contain them all. But, what was His most important work of all? Was Christ surprised by the cross? What is atonement? What did it have to do with the sacrifices offered in the Old Testament? What are some other views of Jesus’ death on the cross expressed in the Bible? What all does this saving work do in us? The work on the cross was complete but then we were given confirmation with the resurrection. What did we gain from that? But, what is Jesus doing now?
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What does #unique mean? It means one of a kind, not just rare. #Jesus Christ is truly one of a kind and He divided more than just the calendar. What does the book of John tell us about Jesus’ transcendence of time? How could Christ exist before the world and still come down to walk within this world? I’ve heard many people argue that if God exists then He should show Himself. He already has and was killed for His efforts. But, that was already baked into the plan. After His death and resurrection, what happened to Jesus? What do we believe about his dual personalities of God and man? It took both to accomplish God’s plan to reconcile us to Him.
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