Have you ever heard anyone say that we are all God’s #children? Well, the Bible reserves that term for those that believe in the Lord, #Jesus Christ, as their Savior. God has some very personal and specific details He wants to bring about in your life. But, there are some things common to all Believers that we know He wants for us. How would you like the hotline number to the Creator and Ruler of the Universe? Would you also like to reduce your desire to do bad things? How about for other people to say that you stand out for the things you are doing? What is God’s part in these changes and our part? Do you want to get to heaven and be the runt of the litter?
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#EternalLife, how can we get it and can it be taken away? Who are the #saints the #Bible refers to? What does ‘once saved, always saved’ mean? What does it not mean? Who becomes a child of God? Considering who saves us, who then can keep us? What is being kept for Believers by the Lord until Judgment Day? Can a person be unborn? What does Jesus say about His ability to hold on to those that have been given to Him? What can be deduced by roadblocks and hardships in a Christian’s life?
For more information, click on the Gift link on the bottom of the homepage of