Mustard Seed Vs Mountain

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      19860223pm Mustard Seed Vs Mountain - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, October 22nd 2012 @ 1:38 PM

post viewed 308 times

How does something as tiny as a mustard seed rate a mention by the Son of God?  What mountain are you facing today?  Our god is a god of contrasts, He uses the weak to bring down the strong.  From where do our problems come?  From where does our faith come – willpower, determination, self-control?  How do we get faith originally?  How do we grow it?  What do 99 out of 100 Christians have in common?  What can God do with our growing faith?

For more on how to start this journey of faith follow this link:    

The Gift



Diane Chouinard

Full Access

DianeChouinard said on Tuesday, October 23rd 2012 @ 12:11 AM:

all have a seen og god it is call life god all us the  weak like me and i all was have faith in god all was with love  he all was dos i love god so much that i would change places with but i can not beases it is not gods will