#HEARTS are displayed all around us in February. #Mojis depict all manner of ways to immediately display heart felt emotions to loved ones with one touch on your #IPhone. While our #technology has surged forward, has it improved our communication skills? I observe that the IPhone truly has emboldened the magnitude of “I”. Self centeredness is sooo apparent today. Notice your conversations or communications that start with “I”. Can you remember the last time that you actually put someone else’s needs before your own wants? Acquiring abundance seems to me to be evident on TV all the while setting life style examples for excessiveness. “Jesus said, ‘Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is there will your heart be also‘ Matt.6:20,21″ What does that have to do with my heart, you ask? I attribute this attitude to a hardened heart. “If you hear God’s voice, do not harden your hearts.” Heb.4:7 What happens to a hard heart? It turns black because their is no life blood flowing through it. “May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.” 11Thess.3:5 Now we were made in the image of God; so does GOD have a heart? Psalm 33:11 says “The COUNSEL and PLANS of the LORD’S HEART STANDS FOREVER FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION” May we ask the Lord for a red, red flowing beating heart not hardened with the burdens of sin by claiming Psalm 51 as our own. “Deliver me from blood guiltiness O God, my salvation. Purify me, wash me, and CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART” !! ALERT!! – You have a message..Direct from GOD …*Father, God is sharing from His Heart His Undying Love for YOU by giving you ‘the gift’ of eternal life via the sacrificial, substitutional death on the cross of His Only Son, Jesus Christ *… ACCEPTANCE REQUIRED…