Honor Your Mother

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      19840513 Honor Thy Mother - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, May 6th 2013 @ 1:01 PM (not yet rated)

post viewed 204 times

When the Bible repeats a statement it gains importance every time.  So, if the matter is mentioned in the ten commandments and by the Lord, Jesus Christ, and once again by the Apostle Paul, it must be pretty important, right?  How do mothers have such great memories?  Why do they have such a sensitive spirit?   How great is it when they have a firm faith in God?  What are the qualities of a Godly mother?  Who helps a mother obtain these qualities?  And on a personal note, I just want everyone to know that I thank God everyday for the Godly woman He gave me to cherish, nurture, and guide me through life, Barbara Jones.

Are you a mother who wants to be everything that God wants you to be?  Are you somebody’s child who wants to honor God?  Click on this link:



Barbara Jones

Full Access

BarbaraJ said on Monday, May 6th 2013 @ 3:33 PM:

Thank you for I am the one blessed....Momma

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Diane Chouinard

Full Access

DianeChouinard said on Wednesday, May 8th 2013 @ 12:15 AM:

i thank god for evary thing give me a live iam so happy that he did for me god bless to all