Monday, January 7th 2013 @ 12:10 PM (not yet rated)
post viewed 286 times
Let’s make clear a few phrases that are often tossed around in church, sometimes synonymously. First off every good thing comes from God. He asks for a sign of our faithfulness by giving 10% of it back to be given to your regular church. This is called a tithe. God has promised to take care of His faithful followers in return. Many times I have heard Brother Tommy say that this is the only promise God gives for which He asks us to test Him. Second, gifts and offerings are often mentioned. These are above and beyond the tithe and given to your church or other people and organizations doing the Lord’s work. Brother Tommy also said that ‘You can’t outgive God.’ How do we invest in our spiritual future? How does giving lead to happiness? How can we rob God? Was tithing an Old Testament concept? What if God based your income on your gifts to the church? What is a love offering? What else does God’s Word say about the use of our money?
If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Lord and Savior all this talk about tithing is putting the cart before the horse. Find out more by clicking here: