Monday, January 14th 2013 @ 5:22 PM (not yet rated)
post viewed 286 times
Brother Tommy usually spoke about Christian Stewardship around the first of every year. So when he jokes about a hot message, just know it was snowing outside that day (rare in Macon, GA). Why does God want us to give to His church? Who gave order to the Universe? How does our giving relate to that order? Is the timing important? How is giving a high honor? What are we really giving when we give to the Lord? When is hoarding a good thing? Are we afraid to pledge an amount to the church? How much have we pledged to other institutions for things much less valuable? Why does the church need our money?
If you don’t now the Lord as your personal Lord and Savior all this talk about tithing is out of order. Find out more by clicking here: