Getting A Grip On Christmas

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      19851208 Getting A Grip On Christmas - Rev. Tommy Jones

Monday, December 3rd 2012 @ 12:58 PM

post viewed 388 times

Sometimes it may be hard to get in the mood for Christmas.  We are bombarded with the commercial aspects of this very holy day when we remember God’s gift of salvation in the flesh.  How do we get a grip on this true meaning?  Why did the Creator of all things stoop to our level?  We say God is a God of love,  but is He capable of hate?  If we are all born into sin because of Adam, how did Jesus avoid this stain at birth?  What would have happened if Jesus had sinned?  What assurances can we draw from the fact that Christ came down to be a sacrifice in our place?  This Christmas season get a grip on exactly what saves us from our sin.