Thursday, May 24th 2012 @ 12:00 AM (not yet rated)
post viewed 1248 times
Is the HeavenlyCity literal or symbolic? Will it just exist during the Millennium or is it eternal? Who will inhabit this city? Where is the Heavenly City, New Jerusalem? Will nations still exist? How is it described? New Jerusalem will be at least 1500 miles up, down and across. By the way the moon is 2159 miles in diameter, just saying. Listen to its composition. It sounds wonderful. Will the redeemed of the Old Testament be in New Jerusalem? How about Israel? How do you get there? What will life be like there? Will we know more? Will we be sin free? Will we be happy? Will we be productive? I pray this series glorifies God and either confirms your commitment to Christ or makes you yearn to receive Him.