Monday, August 6th 2012 @ 3:27 PM (not yet rated)
post viewed 352 times
What is grace? It encompasses kindness, forgiveness, and mercy. God’s grace can be received by faith in His son, Jesus Christ. God’s grace has been called unmerited favor. In other words we did not do anything to justify God’s forgiveness and salvation, but because of the sacrifice of His son (instead of us) we can receive eternal freedom. Here Brother Tommy goes through numerous examples of Jesus Christ mirroring His father’s graciousness. To whom did Jesus show grace? How did Jesus act with grace? How should we apply these lessons to the people we run into everyday? Do we only express kindness to our friends and family? Worse yet are we only forgiving to acquaintances and people on the street? This whole series reminds me of the saying’What would Jesus do?’ I think after next week’s final installment we will all have better answers to that question. If you want to personally experience God’s saving grace, follow this link: