from Barbara's Bible

#”MASK” is the word in 2020 as it’s not 1978 “Grease” any more!  I taught third grade in public #schools in Texas and Georgia years ago.  I have observed many children from all walks of life with inquisitive minds that needed guidance and encouragement and challenges to be overcomers.  While watching the news yesterday, they were reporting live from a elementary classroom of masked children.  As the camera was scanning the room, I observed one young man working his mouth to get the mask to drop down below his lips.  Another girl was rubbing her elastic which was tight under her eyes and around her ears.  Then the show stopper – boy was rolling his eyes looking around with mask on his chin while picking his nose!  O.K. Yes, I was belly laughing out loud.  Let’s get real people!!!  I’ve seen designer, scarey, funny, medical, and homemade masks worn for protection.  How’s that working on viruses?  I know One Protective #Armor that never expires.  “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD that you maybe able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  Stand having your loins girded about with TRUTH, and have on the breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS and your feet covered with the gospel of PEACE.  Above all wear the shield of FAITH so you shall be able to put out the fiery darts of the wicked.  Take the helmet of SALVATION, and the sword of the SPIRIT which is the WORD OF GOD to PRAY ALWAYS for all saints.” Eph.6:11-18  So I recommend the ARMOR OF THE LIVING GOD which has a guaranteed warranty for eternal life!   Not only do I believe the word of the Living God, but this is my prayer.  “As for ME, may utterance be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel”  Eph.6:19   “Finally brethren, BE STRONG IN THE LORD AND THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT” Eph.6:10    


from Barbara's Bible

Have you ever heard so much about #governors of the #USA?  Our nation depends upon our state governors to facilitate the laws;  however, by individualizing their power of interpretation, it has created chaos!  Many lives have died because of the effects of the virus and riots!  All of our living arrangements and routines have been altered by germs and governance !  I just saw a text from Jerry Vines which I will share with you.  Said someone sent this, “Asked my doctor today how long he thinks this covid thing will last.  He responded with: ‘How should I know I’m a doctor not a politician ”  So does the Bible refer to anything like what we are facing today?  Read Psalm 67 “Be merciful unto us..that thy way maybe known upon the earth and Thy saving health among all nations..Let people praise God.  Let the nations be glad to sing for joy when GOD shall judge the people righteously by GOVERNING NATIONS OF THE EARTH. Then shall the earth yield the increase and God shall bless us.”  People, let’s listen and follow our GOVERNOR, THE LIVING GOD.  “Praise the LORD and seek Him..All the ends of the world remember and turn to the LORD: all kindreds of all nations worship Him for the KINGDOM IS THE LORD’S and HE IS THE GOVERNOR AMONG ALL NATIONS”  Ps.22:26-28   Who’s your governor?


from Barbara's Bible

How is your #strength these days ?   Do you have a regime of #walking, #exercising, #cleaning, and #eating to maintain good health during times of isolation and masks and demonstrations?  Maybe you’re coping by sheltering inside just watching TV or Videos.  If I had to guess, I would say that you have not read a prayer from Habakkuk chapter 3 in the Holy Bible.  Soooo here goes: The prophet Habakkuk was very troubled by the wickiness of the people and pleads for God to intervene.   “O Lord revive Thy work ..with radiance of rays flashing from God’s hand for there is the hiding of Thy power..”  Habakkuk wanted God to judge their evil ways.  He sought a place of solitude to wait on God’s answer where   he learned that the just must live by faith & the righteous shall be preserved during troubled times.  vs.13 “Thou went forth for the salvation of Thy people by striking the head of the house of the evil….. Yet I will exult in the LORD and rejoice in GOD of my salvation for THE LORD GOD IS MY STRENGTH.”  Peter writes about strength in the New Testament 1Peter4:11 “Whoever speaks and serves of the utterances of God, let them do so by the STRENGTH WHICH GOD SUPPLIES: so that God maybe glorified”  In times like these we need strength from the LIVING GOD who is just waiting for your call.  Psalm 105:1,4 “CALL upon HIS NAME…SEEK the LORD AND HIS STRENGTH”


from Barbara's Bible

United we stand divided we fall is a statement I heard in school from first grade onward thru many wars, trials, and tribulations.  Seems to me that many individuals believe that diversity and harmony cannot coexist; however, I have observed many people standing by the word of God around the world with love in their hearts for their fellow man.  I have two grown children sitting in wheelchairs, but they are standing on the word of God.  “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the WORD OF OUR GOD SHALL STAND FOREVER” Isaiah 40:8  Words, words, words, we hear so much hot air over various media.  What withstands the turbulence?  the right foundation? – Stand on God’s Word.  Does God stand?  “Behold (Jesus, first & last, the Alpha and Omega), I STAND AT THE DOOR and knock:  if ANYONE hear my voice and open the door, I WILL COME INTO HIM and dine with him and he with me.” Revelation 3:20   (no discrimination)  Listen for God’s voice through all the noise and doorbells.  Know His special knock , open your heart & invite Him in.  You will receive His grand prize – “To the one that overcomes, I will grant to him to sit with Me on My throne” Rev.3:21   STAND WITH GOD NOW & ETERNALLY


As a child I #remember hearing “#Think before you #speak”.  Today I observe many who “open mouth and insert foot”  What we referred as hoof and mouth disease has become an attention grabber on the internet and newsfeed.     Has anyone read what God has said to us through His Word, the Bible?  You cannot remember what you”ve never read, heard or seen.  In the book of Isaiah chapters 45 & 46, God ‘s words are so relevant for our present chaos.  “They shall be ashamed and also confounded, all of them: they shall go to confusion together that are makers of idols. They assemble drawing near together: escaping the nation.  They have no knowledge of their graven image and pray unto their god that cannot save.  They take counsel together not knowing GOD for there is no God beside Me.  Look unto Me and be saved for I Am GOD that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess.  REMEMBER this and show yourselves as men:  bring it again to mind.  REMEMBER the former things of old: for I AM GOD, and there is none else.  My counsel shall stand.  I have spoken it and will bring it to pass.  Listen unto Me you stubborn minded who are far from righteousness.  I bring MY righteousness and it shall not be far off for MY salvation shall not be delayed.”  May we learn from God’s words and realize that THE LIVING GOD REMEMBERS…”we are brought down  but stand upright for the LORD hears us when we call remembering the name of the LORD our GOD” Ps.20


from Barbara's Bible


In GOD’S  #Word, the #Bible, He tells us to hear His #Ways.  The #internet, world #news, and #public opinions are heard night and day.  Who you gonna believe?  As for me, I shall rely and depend on the truth of the Lord in His written word.  What is recorded in the Bible concerning #rebelling?  Hosea 13 “Samaria shall become desolate for rebelling against God:”  Are you hearing God’s truth?  Joel 1  “Word of the Lord came to Joel saying, ‘Hear this, old men, and listen all the inhabitants of the land.  Tell your children, children’s children and other generations….Awake, you drunkards…for a nation is come up upon your land, strong, and without number whose teeth are the teeth of a lion”  Sound like what is being broadcast today?   Hosea 14 “Return unto the LORD GOD; for you have fallen by your own iniquity.  Now take with you words, and turn to the LORD saying, ‘Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously’…9. “Who is wise?  He shall understand these things…for the WAYS OF THE LORD ARE RIGHT and the just shall walk in them, but the transgressors shall fall therein.”  Conclusion: Proverbs 10:29 “THE WAY OF THE LORD IS STRENGTH TO THE UPRIGHT:  but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.” 32″The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked is preverted” …. Choose you this day whom you will serve – as for me, I will listen to His Word and walk in His Way by His grace.


I’ve been #young and now I’m #old and I’ve observed that no one likes to be told what to do or not do.  Years ago “Father knows best” was heard repeatedly in families and even on TV; however, today who even knows their father?   Where is authority?  It seems to me the motto of the day is “Do whatever YOU want ”  When we turn against GOD’S COMMANDS we hurt ourselves through arrogance by making  #‘ME’ above GOD.  “There are gods of this world that are blinding the eyes & minds of people who do not believe the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of GOD who will shine on them.  GOD COMMANDS His light to shine out of darkness to shine in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of GOD  in the face of JESUS CHRIST. We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the POWER maybe of GOD and NOT of US.  We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed…..for all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many rebound to the glory of GOD.“..11Corinthians 4  Our Heavenly Father Knows Best today and forever!


from Barbara's Bible

“Which #way should I go?”  Is that a question you are contemplating now?  We have been #sheltering in place with our options very limited.  Your #path may lead from bed to bath to food to couch to tv which is a very limiting existence !  Are you looking up or down these days?  Look around and you may experience a new way of life.  For instance, I heard the birds singing and saw a deer run down my driveway and in the evening, I was amazed by the magnificent full moon.  All God’s creation.   I have observed many more walkers and the exercise is good, but while on their way do they know God’s Way?  Isaiah 2:5 signage “Come let us walk in the light of the LORD”   “LORD will teach us of HIS WAY and we will walk in His paths” Is.2:3  God’s word also says, “Rebellious people and lying children who will not hear the law of the LORD, but listen to smooth speaking prophesies of deceit must get out of their way – turn aside for the Holy One of Israel” Is.30:9-11   “Thomas asked, Lord how can we know the way?  John 14:5,6  “Jesus said, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: no one comes to the Father but by ME.”  Are you going God’s Way?