Do you think for yourself?  Maybe?  Is the senseless chatter on TV and internet molding your thoughts?  Are you afraid of silence in the presence of the Lord?  “Counsel of the LORD stands forever, the THOUGHTS  of His heart to all generations.”Ps. 33:ll  and Ps. 94:ll says the LORD knows the THOUGHTS OF MAN.  “THOUGHTS of foolishness is sin” Proverb 24:9  Paul told us in Phil. 4:8 to think on things  that are TRUE, HONEST, JUST, PURE, LOVELY, GOOD REPORT, VIRTUE, PRAISE.  Park your thinking in that lot.  Do you ever think about God?  He is THINKING of YOU...LORD SAID, “I know the THOUGHTS  that I THINK TOWARD YOU…THOUGHTS  of PEACE, not evil, to give you a future and a hope.  Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.”  Jer.29:11,12 

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"POWER BELONGS UNTO GOD" Ps.62:11  God spoke it and I believe it.  We have all kinds of paid ads to sell us 'stuff' to make us powerful, but where is the real power in this world?  All of us like a winner whether its in sports, stock market, business endeavor, or a relationship.  I want to tell you that you already have the powerball number when you Find the LIVING GOD in His Holy Word.   Our country seems to be losing it's powerful position more with each passing day just as fewer  individuals uphold God and His Word in their lives,  "Have you not known?  have you not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD,  the Creator of the ends of the earth faints not, neither is weary?....HE GIVES POWER to the faint; and to them that have no might He increases strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:  but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their STRENGTH; "   Isaiah 40:28-31 Screen Shot 2014-07-06 at 4.21.14 PM                  Screen Shot 2014-07-06 at 6.02.54 PM


DO YOU NEED HELP?  Maybe you think you can handle whatever comes your way in your  own way.  How’s that working out for you?  I have had tragedy, sickness, sorrows, and woes, but I’ve had the LIVING GOD AS MY HELPER holding me and making a way.  “He, Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU.  So we can confidently say, ‘the LORD IS MY HELPER, I WILL NOT BE AFRAID.  What shall man do to me?’  Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you:  and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever.”  Heb. 13:5-8


#Advertisers build up- so we will pay up- so we can to have “it”  Were you satisfied with “it”?  Did “it” live up to all the hype?  This song comes to mind, “I am satisfied, I am satisfied, I am satisfied with Jesus, but the question comes to me as I think of calvary ‘Is my Savior Satisfied with Me’?”  Psalm 90:14 “LORD SATISFY US in the morning with Thy lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days”  The LIVING  GOD DOES SATISFY if we choose HIM.    “For the LORD HAS SATISFIED the thirsty soul and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good” Psalm 107:9