New Year’s Service

Merry Christmas



Christmas Light


#Fire consumes!  Just look at what took place in #Paradise, California.  Here in the heart of Georgia we have had #turbulence, #wind, #rain, and now #freezing temperatures which require so heat even in the south.  Wouldn’t you know my furnace quit on me.  I had to wait three days without heat during 20 degrees nights for a part to be delivered to the repairman.  Just so happened to have  a wood pile under the deck, but it was wet from all our rain.  Inside I had several dry logs which worked to get the fireplace started.  I had forgotten how much you have to tend to a fire to keep it going.  When I put those wet logs on the hot embers they really smoked; however, after awhile they still put out heat.  My son-in-law brought over a load of fresh cut wood and filled the wood storage for me – true blessing.  One forgets how awesome the warmth and beauty of a glowing fire can be.  When the wood is not prepared and cured then you get smoke in your eyes and a mess that your constantly adjusting.   All this took me to God’s Word and reminded me of the warmth and inner glow which He imparts to all those He indwells.  “Yet, once more, signifying the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.   We receive a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve GOD acceptably with reverence and godly fear: FOR OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE”  Hebrews 12:27-29     May GOD consume our lives by removing the dross (sin) thereby leaving us with His beautiful warming glow that can radiate to others.   

Christmas Wish