Study In A Stable – Joseph

Bible Audio Blog
      20011209 Study In A Stable - Joseph - Rev. Tommy Jones


Let’s kick off a series of December messages by Brother Tommy from 2001.  Even back then, he was lamenting the #waronChristmas.  This week, he talks about Joseph.  And in the following weeks, we will cover Mary and Jesus.  Can you think of one Christmas song about Joseph?  What role did Joseph play in the birth and life of Jesus?  What was his background and lineage?  What can we assume abut his faith from this test he went through?  What can we learn about how to treat others by watching Joseph’s treatment of Mary?  What can we learn from his faith in God?  


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Why We Never Get By With Sin

Bible Audio Blog

The #Bible says #obedience is better than #sacrifice.  And yet the #World says better to ask #forgiveness than #permission.  Once again, worldly wisdom is at odds with biblical teaching.  Many people never get the message of God, and their life suffers for it.  We are often told there is no black and white, only shades of grey.  That’s called moral relativism.  Who benefits if we never get this concept?  Here, Brother Tommy is telling us about a king who was supposed to destroy everything of the enemy in war, and yet the bleating of the sheep gave him away.  What gives our sins away?  What excuse did the king give for his disobedience?  Did it work?  Will it work for us today?  What part does conscience play?  How about scripture?  Is there consequence or judgment for disobedience?  The grace of Jesus Christ takes away one but not the other.  We will never get by with sin, but we can get rid of it.  

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When Christians Turn Back

Bible Audio Blog

Last week, we learned what it means to be a #Christian.  This week, we find out what happens to one who starts this journey only to turn back.  Picture a boat on a river trying to go upstream.  When it stops going forward does it stand still?  The world has told us many times to follow your heart, but is that good advice?  What voice do we ignore in the middle of turning back?  How good are we at rationalizing our own actions?  Where are our interests refocused when this happens?  Can we constantly turn our backs on God and expect no consequences?  What can we do to halt our backward momentum?

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What Is A Christian?

Bible Audio Blog

The word #Christian gets thrown around a lot these days.  Some use it as a #putdown others wear it like a #shield.  Is it the opposite of #atheist?  Does it depend on where you were born or to which family?  Are you a Christian because you joined a church or got baptized?  What does the Bible say about true followers of Jesus Christ?  How can imperfect people claim to be like Jesus?  If Christ died for everyone, why isn’t everyone saved?  Can you miss Heaven by 18 inches?  We call Jesus, Lord and Savior.  Many want Him as Savior but hesitate to make Him Lord.  Can you do enough good deeds to get into Heaven?  Does a Christian do good deeds?  Why?

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Changed By Christ From Nobody To Somebody

Bible Audio Blog

Do you feel #invisible?  Does it feel like nobody #cares?  Are you #lonely?  This is a story about a woman in the Bible who showed faith in the right one and it changed her life.  This woman was weakened by twelve years of a chronic debilitating illness.  You may be able to relate to that now or as you age you will be able to understand later.  But, either way there is a lesson here for all of us.  Besides being at her wit’s end medically, what else was involved in her suffering and isolation making her a nobody in the eyes of society?  She heard about Jesus and what did she do about it?  While we are not saved by what we do, is there any effort that we must expend to receive the gift of Salvation? After being healed, Christ asked her to come forward, recognizing her as a somebody.  Why? 

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Mandate of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

This week we conclude the series of messages on #missions.   What is a #mandate and does it make a difference from where it comes?  A mandate is a command from someone in power.  In America, a political mandate comes from the people as they have the power to elect.  But, in a monarchy the command comes from the ruler.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, we must follow His commandments.  When Jesus said the fields are ripe with harvest, what did He mean?  What happens to a field that doesn’t get harvested?  It is sometimes very telling to hear the last words of famous people.  What were Christ’s last words before ascending to Heaven?  Would the lost in Hell beg us to go and be missionaries to their families?  According to the Bible, they would.  Who else is urging us to spread the good news of the Gospel?  Will you answer the call?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Church

Bible Audio Blog

What is the purpose of the church?  Should it be first concerned with #SocialJustice or #politics?  No, it should be #missions.  Jesus Christ, who is the head of the church, proved this even before the Great Commission by doing what?  Was missions an ad lib response to sin?  How is the body of believers more than an organization?  Before Christ and His ministry, how did society view mercy and benevolence?  Is there personal responsibility in this mission?  Where do we get the power to carry out the mission?  

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Motive of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

What #motivates you in #life?  What should be our motive to be missionaries? Is the purpose of the Gospel to make us comfortable, or should it propel us to inform others?  At the core of Jesus’ sacrifice is love, God’s love for all of mankind.  Therefor, shouldn’t our motive to share the Gospel with those around us be love.  The word, love, gets thrown around a lot.  But, what kind of love should we have for our fellow man?  How much does the God of the Universe care about us?  In light of God’s sacrifice of His only Son, what can we do to show our allegiance?  Do you think the prodigal son felt loved when his father welcomed him back?  And what are the chances that same son told his friends and neighbors about his father’s love?

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