Family Features

Bible Audio Blog

Okay, one more important interruption in the series of messages we have been doing.  Heads up, Sunday the 12th is #MothersDay.  Don’t forget #Mom.  Are we all children of God?  What does the Bible say about God’s family and its features?  What manner of love does God have for His redeemed sons and daughters?  Who are the children of wrath?  Could these identities be more opposite?  Right after John congratulates us for our new identity, it issues a warning.  When does eternal life begin and what should that look like?  What do we know about our future?  What is our blessed hope and what difference should it make in our lives?  

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His Infernal Ministry – The Peril of the Unholy Spirit – The Saint’s Demonstration

Bible Audio Blog

Can we declare #neutrality in the war between #good and #evil?  The Lord said that if we are not for Him then we are against Him.  We should not underestimate nor should we overestimate our foe, the devil.  What are the effective God given tools we have to defeat Satan?  How does a Spirit filled life crowd out the enemy?  How does the demonstration of this kind of life limit the strength of these attacks?  Are we fighting for victory or from victory?  What is the whole armor of God?  What is meant by light, sight, fright, and fight?  

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Easter Journey Into Joy

Bible Audio Blog

I can’t even.  We have two more messages in the series we have been doing on the #devil.  But after the celebration I just attended for the #resurrection of my #Lord and #Savior #Jesus Christ, I had to share a message about Easter.  We serve a living God.  What do we know about Jesus and His activities after His death and resurrection?  Did Christ only appear to the 11 remaining disciples?  What can we relate to about these travelers Jesus appeared to on their journey to Emmaus?  Did they have faith?  How about hope?  Were they confronted with truth?  What did they mean when they said their hearts burned within them?  Did Jesus insist on going in their home or was he invited?  I encourage you to engage the Lord and Savior in conversation and invite Him into your life.

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His Infernal Ministry- The Peril of the Unholy Spirit – The Saints’ Distinction

Bible Audio Blog

The devil’s first #defense is to convince us that he doesn’t #exist.  When that #fails, he tries to convince us of numerous #lies about his #power and #strength.  If that too fails, he tries to tell us lies about our selves.  But, a Believer’s distinction comes from knowing that Satan is already defeated.  What does the Bible say about who has the ultimate authority?  Why was Satan’s biggest mistake nailing Jesus to the cross?  How does that same authority get passed on to the saints?  What tools has God given us to wield this authority?  What happens when a Believer uses these tools?   

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His Infernal Ministry – The Peril Of The Unholy Spirit – The Savior’s Domination

Bible Audio Blog

Finally, a series of messages with a #HappyEnding.  #SpoilerAlert, if you’ve read the #Bible you already know who wins.  What is the difference between the way the devil tried to gain power and the way Jesus Christ achieved domination over him?  Interesting fact, what happened to the Faithful that died before Christ’s sacrifice on the cross?  Did Jesus’s substitutionary death achieve anything for Believers in the present?  What does the Bible say will happen to Satan in the future?  What is the rightful accusation that the devil presents about us?  What is the Christian’s answer to this?  What is the difference between fighting for victory and fighting from victory?

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His Infernal Ministry- The Performance of the Unholy Spirit – In Terms of Temptations

Bible Audio Blog

Have you ever heard or used the #excuse ‘the devil made me do it’?  Can #Satan make us do anything?  When #temptation comes your way, what can you do about it?  What is the difference between temptation from the devil and testing from God?  How are temptations a sign of the direction your life is taking?  How big of a battle are we fighting?  Has God given us a strategy to win this conflict?  How did Jesus Christ deal with the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life?  What does this show us about how Satan picks his targets?  What can we learn about his salesmanship?  What tools have we been given to fight this skirmish?  

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His Infernal Ministry – The Performance Of The Unholy Spirit – In Terms Of Tricks

Bible Audio Blog

Would you go to see a #magic act if you knew how the tricks were done?  Probably not, and that is the purpose of today’s message – to expose the pattern of schemes the #devil uses.   No 30 minute lesson could cover all the ways #Satan tries to draw people’s attention away from Jesus, but at least Brother Tommy can explain some caution signs.  What is the draw and the danger of attempting to speak to the dead?  How does the devil try to trick us by taking advantage of our wish to know what the future holds?  Are there any true prophetic voices around today?  Is there any merit to witchcraft?  Is there any danger to adopting some of the Eastern religious practices like meditation or transcendentalism?  Are there incidences in the Bible of Godly individuals taking part in occult like activities?  What does the Bible say about taking part in any of these practices?  What is the danger of dabbling with horoscopes or ouija boards?

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His Infernal Ministry – The Performance Of The Unholy Spirit – In Terms Of Targets

Do you ever feel #targeted?  This series on the #devil is meant to illuminate his targets and when and how he likes to attack.  Satan will strike the community, the church, and even the individual.  What speech draws his attention?  Is all wealth a blessing from God?  What is the bad seed that the devil sows?  What disguises does he use?  Can the church be overtaken by Satan?  Nevertheless how does he attack the church?  Is it possible to profess Faith without possessing Faith?  What kind of harm can this do to the church?  Who are the children of disobedience?  How are they blinded and bound?  What effect can he have on Believers?  

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