Praise the Lord

Bible Audio Blog

#Complaints, #triggers, #fakenews – how do most people choose to express themselves these days?  What does the Bible say about how we should expend our mental energy?  Does God desire our praise?  Is there something built into the human heart that wants to praise?  Where should we offer up our praise to the Lord?  What are the things for which we should be grateful?  Obviously we are thankful for the good things in our life, but how about trials and troubles?  The Christian knows the bad times are temporary and opportunities to witness to others.  How is breath important to praise?  

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Gratitude of the Redeemed

Bible Audio Blog

What does the word #redeem mean?  It means to purchase back.  Why does the #Bible use this term for #salvation?  The unsaved are slaves to what?  Another thing we are called before being redeemed is lost.  God promises to do what when the lost cry out to Him for help?  Those without the Lord are compared to prisoners, too.  How do these prisoners break free from the condemnation of sin?  What is the relationship between sin and sickness?  Have you ever noticed in yourself or others the ways of sin tossing people about like sailors on the open sea?  Who wouldn’t want a solution to these terrible situations?  And once redeemed, who wouldn’t be grateful to the one who saved them?

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Grace to Serve

Bible Audio Blog

#Grace is not just a girl’s name.  The definition I like is that grace is God’s unmerited favor.  Here, Brother Tommy leads us through the passage that ends with, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’  That is one of my favorite verses.  But what does it mean?  What is the purpose of God’s grace?  Is it just to save us from damnation, or is there more to it?  We are then called to serve, but for whose glory?  What did Paul show us about the power of God’s unmerited favor?  How can we, like Paul, live contentedly and accomplish great things for the Lord no matter our circumstances?  

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Walking Before the Lord

Bible Audio Blog

#Walking implies an #origin and a #destination.  Is it important how we get there, what we do along the way?  Once you make the decision to follow Jesus, it very much matters how you are walking.  How do we walk in love?  What does the Bible say about our state of salvation if we do not love?  In a world of darkness, how can we light the way for ourselves and others?  Why is it important to walk wisely and what does it mean to redeem the time?  

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A Word about Weddings

Bible Audio Blog

Way back in 1974, people were already attacking the institution of #marriage.  It has only gotten worse.  But #God, in His infinite wisdom gave us marriage in the first book of the #Bible and #Jesus later gave clarification in the New Testament.  What do you need to know before the wedding?  Is marriage for everybody?  Does God have a plan for starting a Christian union?  What part does physical attraction play?  Is there more needed?  Why would the Bible make a point of telling Christians not to join non-Christians in marriage?  What customs are involved in a wedding and why?  The reception continues what tradition from Jesus’ day.  What happens after the honeymoon?  How does our response to our situation have to do with our happiness?

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Back to Bethel

Bible Audio Blog

Jacob met #God and had a life changing experience, but did that #change him forever?  What should we do when we stray from #God?  What should a #nation do when its people forget where they came from?   Is God mad at us when we backslide?  Bethel, or house of God, is where Jacob first met God.  Where is your Bethel?  What are some examples that show that our Savior is a God of second chances?  Jacob and his family had strayed with idols.  But we don’t have any idols today, do we?  One of my pastors says that an idol is a good thing that becomes a god thing.  What outward change did God tell Jacob to make?  What benefit did Jacob receive from following the Lord’s instruction?  When Jacob returned to Bethel, was he returning to a place or to God?  We see Jacob dedicating himself to God, but what about God’s dedication to his servant?  Well, He did rename him.

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Thou Art Thou Shall Be

Bible Audio Blog

Congratulations to all the #graduates.  #Graduation is a time of #change.  In fact, everyday brings change for each and every one of us.  Are you excited or scared?  What influences have made us who we are?  What tools have we been given to make our way into the future?  Brother Tommy says,’ You are not ready to live until you’re ready to die.’  Peter was already a follower of Christ when Jesus told him what he was and what he was going to be.  What is important about where we aim?  Do you know whose you are?  What do you value?  Do you have a plan?  What can you be if you follow God’s will?

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His Infernal Ministry – The Peril Of The Unholy Spirit – The Serpent’s Destruction

Bible Audio Blog

I love a #happy ending to a story.  What does that have to do with a series about the #devil?  Brother Tommy starts out with a story about #FakeNews going all the way back to 1967.  It is a great parallel to what we are seeing today in terms of the headlines Satan is getting now.  What does the Bible say about  the destiny or destruction of the devil?  For whom was Hell made?  Why were the demons so worried when Jesus walked the Earth?  Evidently, we are somewhere between Satan’s judgment and his sentencing.  That is not to be confused with our judgment, which fortunately, comes later.  Why has God delayed the serpent’s destruction?

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