Biblical Basis for Missions – The Master of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

Even though #Einstein wasn’t a #Christian, he did breathe new life into the #logic side of the discussion about the existence of #God with his theories about #physics and #dimensions.  But even more important than these scientific boundaries that were expanded, was the work that Christ did in His ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection.  And what did Jesus tell us to do about it?  Why did the Master wait until the end to send His disciples out into the world?  How urgent is the Great Commission?  If Jesus has the power and authority to send His followers out to spread the Gospel, and I believe He proved that He does, will He then share that with those who obey?  

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Biblical Basis For Missions – Old Testament Scriptures

Bible Audio Blog

Some people mistakenly believe that #Jesus Christ and the #Gospel are not mentioned in the Old Testament, just the New.  There is a great book by #JosephFarah called ’The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament that deals with this in greater detail.  But, in this message Brother Tommy will take us through a brief journey of examples of this in the Old Testament.  How does the Bible develop the basis for missions in the Old Testament?  It uses the law, history, poetry, and prophecy mixed together in various amounts to achieve this purpose.  Are there also examples of the deployment of the Gospel there as well?  How is missions like a stream?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Mission of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

There is a growing #population of #people that are of the #opinion that you can #believe what you want, but keep it to yourself.  As the idea of #tolerance morphs into one of discouraging conversation of any consequence, the need for missions and spreading the Gospel is even more urgent.  Take heart because the church has always grown more rapidly in times of resistance if not outright persecution.  Why is the church missions based?  What would happen to the church without missions?  Do we build the church or does Jesus Christ?  What is the foundation of the church, the rock Jesus spoke about?  What is church near sightedness?  My home church has a saying that we are not a country club for believers but rather a hospital for sinners.  How should Christians be good stewards?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – Old Testament Subjects

Bible Audio Blog

What do we mean by #missions?  It is simply sharing the #gospel or #goodnews with others.  It could be your immediate #neighbor or someone living far from your home.  But it is all missions.  If missions is about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, what does the old testament have to do with this activity?  In the same way that you cannot have the new testament without the old, the ground work for missions is laid down in the old testament.  God created the whole world, so doesn’t that mean that the whole world needs His Son?  In Genesis, we see man’s fall.  So doesn’t that mean we all need a Savior?  Do sinners seek God or does God seek them?  As early as Genesis 3:15, we see the plan for reconciling sinful man back to God.  What can we learn about missionaries from Noah, from Abraham, and even the Israelites?

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Describing the Defeated

Bible Audio Blog

Does #God ever #discipline the #ungodly?  How about His own?  What happens when we rebel against God?  What happens when we go to church but don’t live by God’s word?  Trying to live the Christian life in our own power is the definition of defeated.  What are the evidences that a Christian is living outside of God’s will?  Is there a warning against taking it easy or trimming away parts of the Bible to suit our desires?  How can we forget what God is like and expect not to be defeated?  Many of the actions God took against His people could have been attributed to the Devil, but the Lord actually did them to bring them back to Himself.  So, the next time you are going through trouble, ask yourself, ‘Is this the Devil trying to bring me down or the Lord trying to get my attention?’

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Walk in Love

Bible Audio Blog

Last week, we learned how to #walk in the #light.  This week, we are learning to walk in #love.  When #Jesus was asked what the greatest #commandment is, His answer was about loving God and loving others.  Where does love originate?  How does it differ from our idea of love?  Does Godly love require reciprocity?  If we both go for a walk and travel the same distance, will we end up at the same place?  Only if we start on the same path from the same point.  What proof do we have of God’s love toward us before we even acknowledge Him?  How can we possibly emulate that toward others?  What are the benefits of getting this right?  Truly walking this way tells us what about our standing with God?  

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Walk in the Light

Bible Audio Blog

Numerous studies have shown that #walking is good for your #health.  How should a #Christian walk?  ‘In the light’ is the answer.  But what does that look like?  Does your walk match your talk?  Of course, we can’t live a perfect life like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  So how do we get as close to that example as possible?  How can God command us to love one another?  Can we do that on our own?  Are love and light connected?  How does darkness blind people to their own hatred and prejudice?  Do you strike the right balance between challenging and encouraging others?  Why does the Bible tell us not to love the world and yet also says that God loved the world so much He gave His only Son?  What three categories of sin come with the love of the world?  How can we nurture a right relationship with the truth?

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Heaven’s Welcoming Committee

Bible Audio Blog

What #tools did Jesus tell us to use to make #Heaven a better place?  How can Believers use their #money, #time, and #talents to create a welcoming committee for themselves in Heaven?  There’s a parable in Luke that Jesus tells and it sounds counter intuitive.  It is about a master and a shrewd steward.  Who and what is represented in this story?  What are we to make of His admonition to be like the steward?  How do the children of this world outperform the children of light?  Will you have friends waiting for your arrival in Heaven?

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