Biblical Basis for Missions – The Mandate of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

This week we conclude the series of messages on #missions.   What is a #mandate and does it make a difference from where it comes?  A mandate is a command from someone in power.  In America, a political mandate comes from the people as they have the power to elect.  But, in a monarchy the command comes from the ruler.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, we must follow His commandments.  When Jesus said the fields are ripe with harvest, what did He mean?  What happens to a field that doesn’t get harvested?  It is sometimes very telling to hear the last words of famous people.  What were Christ’s last words before ascending to Heaven?  Would the lost in Hell beg us to go and be missionaries to their families?  According to the Bible, they would.  Who else is urging us to spread the good news of the Gospel?  Will you answer the call?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Church

Bible Audio Blog

What is the purpose of the church?  Should it be first concerned with #SocialJustice or #politics?  No, it should be #missions.  Jesus Christ, who is the head of the church, proved this even before the Great Commission by doing what?  Was missions an ad lib response to sin?  How is the body of believers more than an organization?  Before Christ and His ministry, how did society view mercy and benevolence?  Is there personal responsibility in this mission?  Where do we get the power to carry out the mission?  

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Motive of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

What #motivates you in #life?  What should be our motive to be missionaries? Is the purpose of the Gospel to make us comfortable, or should it propel us to inform others?  At the core of Jesus’ sacrifice is love, God’s love for all of mankind.  Therefor, shouldn’t our motive to share the Gospel with those around us be love.  The word, love, gets thrown around a lot.  But, what kind of love should we have for our fellow man?  How much does the God of the Universe care about us?  In light of God’s sacrifice of His only Son, what can we do to show our allegiance?  Do you think the prodigal son felt loved when his father welcomed him back?  And what are the chances that same son told his friends and neighbors about his father’s love?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Christ

Bible Audio Blog

Missions without #Jesus Christ is just #SocialWork.  Social work may be well intentioned, but at best it is only a temporary fix to an infinite problem.  The #World waited a long time for the #Savior.  Why do we need a savior?  Did He have to be both God and man?  Is there any more to the mission message than Jesus?  What lessons did Christ teach us about God?  Jesus taught us about the worth of each individual as well as our inherited propensity to sin and our need to be saved from it.  He also talked a lot about the Kingdom of God.  Are there boundaries to this kingdom?  Was the Savior’s mission to serve or to be served?  Jesus Christ is our example, so what then should our mission be?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Magnet of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

#Magnetism is a mysterious force, both in #physics and interpersonal #relationships.  #Commitment draws us to others and the same is true in #missions.  Brother Tommy gives us several examples both in and out of the Bible of men drawn to missions like a magnet, even to the point of imprisonment.  What does it tell us about Paul’s values when we read about his desires and admonitions that he expressed to Timothy?  What did he tell Timothy about the resources available to him and us to increase the strength of our magnet?  Catch the Spirit.  Fan the flame.  Strengthen yourself.  Do you see the Christian life as a picnic or a battle field?  

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Biblical Basis for Missions – New Testament Scriptures

Bible Audio Blog

Beyond the #Gospel, the first four books of the New Testament, which go through the account of Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and commission what else in the second half of the #Bible gives us reasons to spread the Good News?  What did we learn from the example of the disciples after Christ returned to Heaven?  When did the message of Salvation begin to be disseminated to people other than the Jews?  How can we apply the example and teachings of Paul to our own lives?  Are the rest of the New Testament scriptures missions minded, even Revelations?

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Biblical Basis for Missions – The Means of Missions

Bible Audio Blog

Some of our #leaders and #rulers today do not want to be seen with common folk unless it is for a #photo-op.  Compare that with the #Creator of the Universe who sees us, hears us, and through His Son, Jesus Christ touches us.  Seeing, hearing, and touching are the means of missions still to this day.  Can we see, hear, and touch Christ?  How about others?  From what perspective should we see the world?  What would happen if we could see the world through eyes of faith, hope, and love?  As we attempt to listen, what is it we should hear?  Ironically, Brother Tommy mentions a prediction about the state of missions in the year 2000 (this was in 1987) that never came to pass mainly because of the proliferation of the internet, which is how you’re receiving this now.  But, the internet can’t replace physical contact with the unsaved.  Are you making contact with those that need a savior?  

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Biblical Basis for Missions – New Testament Subjects

Bible Audio Blog

How does the New Testament of the #Bible relate to the Old Testament?  The New Testament completes and fulfills the Old.  How does the theme of #missions weave through both?  Were people in the Old Testament saved in a different way than those in the New and any of us today?  Why do we even have the books of the New Testament if not to act as both a missionary and a tool for missions?  For example, the gospels give us four different testimonials about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.  What can we learn about Jesus’ purpose on Earth from these accounts?  Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each concentrate on a different aspect of Christ and His ministry and yet they all combine beautifully to give us a more complete picture of our wonderful Savior.  Who needs this Savior?  

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