The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An External Nature – Geared Through Glorification

Bible Audio Blog
      20050717 Triumphant Suffering - Of An External Nature - Geared Through Glorification - Rev. Tommy Jones


Currently, we are suffering through threats of #CoronaVirus, #Locust outbreaks, and extreme meteorological and geological events.  A few of us may be experiencing #Christian #persecution, with which Paul was very familiar.  He wrote in Philippians that he was prepared to go to his reward or to stay with the Christians.  In either instance, he wanted God to get the glory.  For what did Paul ask his fellow believers?   How much did Paul wish to magnify Christ?  When Christ increases in your life, who or what decreases?  Have you ever seen a legally blind person use a magnifying glass to read what was clear and obvious to others?  How did Paul’s walk with Jesus color his view of life and death?  What do you live for, what makes you come alive?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An External Nature – Pointed Toward Proclamation

Bible Audio Blog
      20050710 Triumphant Suffering - Of An External Nature - Pointed Toward Proclamation - Rev. Tommy Jones


PSA – Don’t forget #Valentine’sDay is coming up to avoid unnecessary external suffering.  But seriously, why is there so much #suffering in this world?  If suffering is the result of a fallen world, why do Christians suffer?  How does Christian suffering help to spread the Gospel?  What’s wrong with the phrase, ‘under the circumstances’?  Did Paul’s jailing help or hinder the spread of the Gospel?  Where would we be without some of his jailhouse epistles?  How did he view his jailers, as oppressors or opportunities? Is courage contagious just like fear?  What did Paul say about preachers of his day that taught about Jesus plus something else?  Do we have people around us today like that?  How can we rejoice about suffering? 

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Prayerfully

Bible Audio Blog
      20050703 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Prayerfully - Rev. Tommy Jones


How should we #pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ #Jesus?  Paul tells us how he joyfully went before the #throne when he prayed for the church at Philippi.  But is this prayer only appropriate for this particular situation or can we apply it to our surroundings?  Are there different kinds of love?  What is agape love?  What is the connection between this type of love and knowledge?  Where does discernment come into play?  How does sincere love withstand the light of day?  How can we be filled with the fruits of righteousness?  From where does this fruit come and what is the result of our bearing this fruit?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Emotionally

Bible Audio Blog
      20050626 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Emotionally - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Emotional pleas and #arguments can be quite compelling, but absent #logic they can be misleading.  The Bible is full of truth and logic without ignoring the emotional component.  Where do feelings originate?  Here in Philippians, Paul speaks of feelings residing in the heart.  Is that hyperbole?  Maybe, but without the heart we cease to exist.  Was there any better compliment that he could have given them than to say that they were in his heart?  What connected Paul to the church at Philippi?  Does this tell us anything about the communion of Christian fellowship?  When, if ever is defense of the Gospel necessary?  How can we confirm the good news of Jesus Christ?  What proof or pledge does Paul offer to prove his sincere love for these people?  By what measurement does he compare his love?  How can we pour this kind of love into others?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Mentally

Bible Audio Blog
      20050612 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Mentally - Rev. Tommy Jones


It seems there is a lot of #mental suffering in this world.  So many are experiencing #depression, #selfpity, and #selfishness.  And they all have something in common, an inward gaze.  How does Paul Thank God for his fellow Christians at Philippi?  Paul is writing this letter from prison and yet it is full of praise and prayer.  Wouldn’t you expect a prisoner to ask for relief or prayer for themselves?  What was one of Brother Tommy’s pet peeves?  Paul was thankful for their fellowship in the Gospel.   What does that tell us about what we are to be doing?  He also said he was expecting something from them.  What was it?  Does God start anything that He cannot finish?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – Of An Internal Nature – Courteously

Bible Audio Blog
      20050605 Triumphant Suffering - Of An Internal Nature - Courteously - Rev. Tommy Jones


These days we are told that #suffering is to be avoided.  As if we needed to be told to avoid suffering.  Our human nature actually learns at a very young age which actions lead to pain and how to keep from getting hurt.  But, Paul showed us through his writings how to turn our problems into opportunities for triumphant joy.  What circumstance did Paul find himself in while writing to the church at Philippi?  Who was Timothy and why was he mentioned?  What is the significance of calling themselves servants?  Are there positives to being a bond slave to Jesus Christ?  What term did Paul use to describe the Christians at this church?  What is the importance of the qualifier ‘in Christ’?  Where was Philippi located and what was its strategic importance to the spreading of the Gospel?  How did Paul greet the diverse audience of this letter in an inclusive manner?  Why is the order of his words important?

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The Joy of Jesus – Book of Philippians

Bible Audio Blog
      20050529 The Joy Of Jesus - Book Of Phillipians - Rev. Tommy Jones

This should have posted last week.

Okay, let’s go back to the beginning of this series on the book of Philippians by Brother Tommy.  What is #joy? How does it differ from #happiness?  From where does true joy come?  Jesus was perfect and therefor had perfect joy.  What were Paul’s circumstances when he wrote this book to the church at Philippi?  How does proper joy produce triumph in all situations?  Once we agree that we need it, how do we receive the joy of Jesus?  What are the risks and rewards of obtaining it?  Where does our citizenship lie, and why does that make a difference?  What are the benefits of this Heavenly joy?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Risk and Reward – Avoid the Risk

      2005025 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Risk & Reward - Avoid The Risk - Rev. Tommy Jones


#HappyNewYear, in fact I hope you have a happy #decade.  But don’t stop there, have a happy #life.  That is easier said than done.  True happiness is found in Jesus.  Today, we begin a series by Brother Tommy about the joy of Jesus from the book of Philippians.  Rejoice, we have read the end of the book and God wins.  God is in control easily (with His feet up).  This world is temporary and fleeting, if you align your view with the Lord’s you will see a much bigger picture.  So what is the risk Brother Tommy wants to warn us about?  This was almost 15 years ago, and he names names of these risks.  I jumped into the middle of this series, because God led me to this message for this time.  Next week, we will start it from the beginning.

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