The Joy of Jesus – Pointing To Perfection – Conscientiously

Bible Audio Blog
      20051106 Joy Of Jesus - Pointing To Perfection - Conscientiously - Rev. Tommy Jones


If your faith is in Jesus, you can be joyous everyday despite #viruses, #volcanos, or #locusts.  We just celebrated #Easter not because it is #Spring or the #flowers are in bloom, but because #Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and then conquered #death for us with His #resurrection.  Are Christ followers perfect?  Why would Paul address these comments to perfect people when he just said that he himself was not perfect?  We cannot do anything to attain salvation, but do we have responsibilities after we have been saved?  If we have a role in our growth, does that mean God is hands off?  How can we know where we are in our growth in the Lord by looking at Paul’s writings?  Was he finished?  Have we arrived?

P.S. I jumped out of order in this series but next week we will realign, God willing.

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Profit and Loss – When Loss Becomes Profit 2

Bible Audio Blog
      20051030 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Profit & Loss - When Loss Becomes Profit 2 - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Fear, that is the message the world is bombarding us with daily.  And yet, the Bible tells us do not be afraid.  Why?  Because #God has a plan which involved sending His son to us to die for our sins and we only have to trust and obey to be saved.  When the disciples were in the midst of a storm in the book of John chapter 6, Jesus calmly walked to them on the water, no less, and said “it is I, do not be afraid.”  If you will put your faith in Christ, He will do the same for you.  Then you can have the joy of Jesus that Paul talks about in Philippians.  Brother Tommy aptly describes the salvation experience as a crisis followed by a process.  If Paul was not through with the process of being improved, where do we stand?  Is there joy in striving to attain the goal of perfection?  What is the one thing we need to know?  Paul often likened the Christian life to a race.  What happens when the runner doesn’t know where the finish line is?  How about if that runner is constantly worried about previous hurdles and looking back?  What do we know about the prize for this race?

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Profit and Loss – When Loss Becomes Profit 1

Bible Audio Blog
      20051023 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Profit & Loss - When Loss Becomes Profit 1 - Rev. Tommy Jones


Are you in #quarantine or #selfisolation?  There’s plenty of archived messages on our website to keep you busy for some time.  Today, we hear part one of Paul’s letter to the Philippians about profit or gain from his jail cell.  Talk about isolated.  Last week, we heard about all the things Paul did to be righteous counted for nothing and became a loss.  What did he find that was and for us is profitable?  Have you lost anything to gain knowledge of Jesus Christ?  Is there anything in your life that you would not lose to get more knowledge of the Lord and Savior?  Guess what that’s called?  An idol.  What kind of robe can we receive by trading in our fig leaf?  How deep can our knowledge of Christ become?  What are we to do with that knowledge once we’ve received it?  What can we gain by rearranging our priorities this way?

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Profit and Loss – When Profit Becomes Loss

Bible Audio Blog
      20051009 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Profit & Loss - When Profit Becomes Loss - Rev. Tommy Jones


There is a lot of #profit that has become #loss lately with all of the #quarantine and #marketcrash going on right now due to #covid19.  Paul, in Philippians, encouraged us not to have confidence in the flesh.  Could that be a lesson God is teaching all of us right now?  Paul listed off all the things he counted on before coming to faith in Jesus Christ.  Why were they not enough?  Was it not sufficient to his salvation that he was born into the right family or that he was extremely religious?  What are you counting on instead of, or in addition to Jesus Christ to save your soul?  Is it money, status, reputation, or something else?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Available For Calculation – Matter of Risk and Reward – Avow the Reward

Bible Audio Blog
      2005100205 Joy Of Jesus - Available For Calculation - Matter Of Risk & Reward - Avow The Reward - Rev. Tommy Jones


Hopefully, you are not under #quarantine from the #CoronaVirus / #Covid19.  Whether you are now or you will be later, just know that the Joy of Jesus has nothing to do with your current circumstances and everything to do with trusting and obeying the Lord.  How can we avow or claim the reward of the joy of Jesus?  What did Paul have to say about people adding requirements to the Gospel?  Do we have an outward symbol today of the inward change that occurs when we give our life to Christ?  What does true worship look like?  Once you get the relationship and the worship right, the happiness or joy will come and it won’t be dependent on circumstances.  What does it mean to boast in Jesus and not in ourselves?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Exemplified – Through Humiliation

Bible Audio Blog
      20050807 Triumphant Serving - As Exemplified - Through Humiliation - Rev. Tommy Jones


Have you ever had a #boss who would stop what they were doing to accomplish one of the many things they asked you to do?  It is at first, embarrassing.  But, then you catch on to what their priorities are.  And, if you are wise, you make it your priority.  How much more so, should we copy Jesus Christ, being God and coming down to our level and showing us what to do?  Those of us who are in Christ, should constantly strive to be more like our Lord and Savior.  That means humbling ourselves and serving others.  Where and who was Jesus before He came here?  Why and how did Christ come down to us?  Jesus Christ was perfectly obedient His whole life.  To where did that obedience lead?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Exhorted – Regarding Love

Bible Audio Blog
      20050731 Triumphant Serving - As Exhorted - Regarding Love - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Love #unites, #hate divides.  Just look at the #news and #political discourse right now for proof.  You are #loved.  How can I say that without having met you?  Because the #Bible tells us so.  We are all given the ability to love others as well.  But left to our own desires we tend to love others that look like us, act like us, believe what we believe, or who can do something for us.  God has a different idea about how we should love, not selfishly but putting others first.  By serving others with love, we create unity in the church.  By serving the community with love, we bring others into the fellowship of Believers.  What encouraging factors does Paul give us to motivate this love that unites?  What is the right kind of love and how do we practice that?  What does humility have to do with loving others?  What is humility and what is it not?  Near the end Brother Tommy mentions the order that our priorities should take.  Take the first letter of each priority and it spells what you get when you do it right (J-O-Y).

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Suffering – As Exhorted – Regarding Life

Bible Audio Blog
      20050724 Triumphant Serving - As Exhorted - Regarding Life - Rev. Tommy Jones


The next time someone tells you #God wants you to be #healthy and #wealthy, ask yourself how health and wealthy were #Jesus Christ and His disciples?  Great sales pitch, right?  The Christian life is a struggle and the rewards do not get fully realized here and now.  The rights and privileges of wherever you live now cannot compare to what waits the Christian in Heaven.  How is your attitude and behavior?  Is it right and is it consistent?  Are we united with the rest of the Body of Christ?  Who or what are our adversaries as those who follow Christ?  What do attacks say about our status?  Can we ever see adversity as a privilege?  If I gave you a present, you would thank me.  Wouldn’t you?  God has given you some things that i know you haven’t thanked Him for yet.

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