The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Expressed – By Readiness To Give

Bible Audio Blog
      20050918 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - By Readiness To Give - Rev. Tommy Jones


Now before you say that preachers are always asking for #money, remember this site is not asking for anything.  But, #God wants more than your money.  To follow Jesus properly is to give your life to God.  That means everything including time, skills, and more.  Does that mean you have to quit your job and go work at your church?  Most of the time, no.  God wants us out there serving throughout the community.  Is there anything God has asked of you that you did not want to give?  Can He get it done without you?  Who pays a price when that happens?  You’re not hurting God.  What can we learn from Paul’s writings about Epaphroditus about giving, suffering, and healing?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Expressed – By Readiness To Go

Bible Audio Blog
      20050911 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - By Readiness To Go - Rev. Tommy Jones


If you are under #quarantine or #lockdown right now, you are probably ready to go.  But, if you are a follower of Christ, how should you go?  Take the example of Timothy in Philippians and use it as a model.  Ask yourself if you are doing God’s will.  Are you ready to go despite the cost?  Are you living for Christ or yourself?  How should we emulate the working relationship between Paul and Timothy?  How do you handle the ‘wait and see’ time?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Experienced – Consistently

Bible Audio Blog
      20050904 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - Consistently - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does the Bible say about how Christ followers are to respond in times of #crisis, like right now with the spreading of #Covid19?  Do we wallow and murmur or are we still supposed to be joyful?  How can we accomplish that?  The first step has to do with our tongue or words.  Step two is about refining of what?  Steps one and two are crucial to step three, which is challenging the culture.  What then are we to dispel?  And whom should we spotlight?  These steps are the how but what is the why?  Jesus, Others, Yourself

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Experienced – Dependently

Bible Audio Blog
      20050828 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - Dependently - Rev. Tommy Jones


#Jesus Christ died to #free us from our sins, but did He free us from all dependency?  Is the Christian life hard?  Is it possible to follow Christ without depending on God?  What does it mean for God to work on you, in you, and through you?  How are we to allow God to align our will with His?  Once our will is rightly aligned, from where do we get the power to carry out the actions?  Why is it important to be motivated to do God’s will for God’s pleasure rather than for ours or other’s pleasure?  

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Experienced – Obediently

Bible Audio Blog
      20050821 Triumphant Serving - As Experienced - Obediently - Rev. Tommy Jones

#Trust and #obey for there’s no other way to be #happy in #Jesus.  That’s a line from an old hymn we used to sing all the time.  These days, we are being asked to obey a lot of sources, sometimes conflicting.  If you are in sync with God’s law , you will not be in conflict with man’s law except when those man made laws are immoral.  But, what does the Bible say about obedience?  Should we obey out of fear or love?  Which of these has a more consistent outcome?  Can it be both?  What does Paul mean when he tells the Philippians to ‘work out’ their salvation with fear and trembling?  Hint:  think miner.  Also, fear of what?

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The Joy of Jesus – Triumphant Serving – As Exemplified – Through Exaltation

Bible Audio Blog
      20050814 Triumphant Serving - As Exemplified - Through Exaltation - Rev. Tommy Jones


Last week, I skipped ahead in this series on Philippians.  Whether by accident or providence, today we go back to chapter two.  How could #Jesus Christ be fully #God and fully #man?  What is the #contradiction that this shows in our usual model of achieving power?  Many people expected the Savior to be a conqueror, and He will be in the future, but His first mission on Earth was to be a servant and a sacrifice.  In the end, every knee will bow to the Lord.  What does Paul mean by above the Earth, on the Earth, and under the Earth?  From the most apathetic hedonist to the most humble Christ follower and from the most ardent atheist to the most televised preacher and everyone in between, every tongue will confess what?  Will they all do it happily?  Does glory to Jesus take away glory from God?   


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