All #news seems to be about #lawbreakers.  Check it out on local #newscasts or the worldwide #web!  If there is a statue prohibiting certain actions individuals seem to feel they have a right to circumvent anything that displeases them at that moment.  Life without boundaries seems to be the goal for many today.  It appears that some think all they need in life is a ruthless lawyer to allow them to slip through loopholes so they can do as they please.  Their rule is do unto others before they do it to you!  Never listening to ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!’   The Lord knew us from the start and gave us laws which are good for all.  How do I know?  The Bible tells me so!  Ps.19:7,8 “The LAW OF THE LORD IS PERFECT, restoring the soul:  the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.  The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart:  the commandment of the LORD is pure enlightening the eyes”  Have you noticed society today endorses protection of their animals with invisible fencing, but does not recognize their own need for perimeters.   Is.33:22 “LORD is our judge, the LORD IS OUR LAWGIVER”  I think we need to stop, look, and listen to GOD’S LAW TODAY.  Ps.40:8″I will do thy will, O my GOD: THY LAW IS WITHIN MY HEART”  Ps. 119:142 “GOD’S righteousness is everlasting righteousness, and THY LAW IS THE TRUTH”  Have you seen on TV the show Law Call?  They all need a lawyer to file a case on their  behalf ….Do you need Jesus to cover your sins before the highest Judge?  Then follow God’s call.   “That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit….then have life and peace.“Rom.8:4,,6


Have you experienced #pain and#suffering?  Most of us know about or have endured some miserable pain and the #heartache of prolonged suffering.  Today we take a pain pill to make life bearable, but even that does not always work.  God made our physical body with pain sensors to alert us of bodily distress.   When Jesus Christ ,  God’s only son,  was  bodily here on earth, He experienced physical pain just like we do.  As a carpenter occasionally misses a nail and the hammer hits a finger – ouch!  We all know that smarts… As Jesus was maturing here, he felt all his scrapes and bruises;  however, that was nothing compared to the weight of the cross. “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: …He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:…He was wounded for our transgressions,… He was bruised for our iniquities:  the chastisement of our peace was upon Him:  with His stripes we are healed….He was oppressed … He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth:…He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter” Isaiah 53:4-7    Was there a purpose for all this suffering?  What does the Bible say:  1Peter 3:18″Christ has once suffered for sins of the just and the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. 4:1,2″As CHRIST SUFFERED FOR US IN THE FLESH, strengthen yourselves with the same mind:  for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin; that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men but to the will of God.  19. wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.”  There is no substitute –  now is the time to give your achey body and soul over to the Living God so you can be alive forevermore with Him.       


Do you ever feel like nobody #cares about you?  This old saying “Nobody loves me everybody hates me – I’ll just go out and eat worms! first ones was easy, second one was greasy, and third one got stuck in my throat then I started crying like I was dying when I gotta a lump in my throat” pictures distress not a solution, but a cry for #HELP…Instead of worms are you trying #drugs,#alcohol, #tobacco, #opiods, or other #anxiety reliefs?  In this world of  #injustice, #sorrow, #tragedy, and travail, where do you turn for #comfort?   TV in my opinion just exasperates turmoil.  Is the music of the day soothing to your soul?   I can tell you where I go to find solace and that is in God’s Word.  1Thessalonians 3:7 “brethren, we were comforted in all our affliction, suffering trouble, distress by your faith: for now we live, if you stand fast in the LORD  Sometimes we are having such a pity party that we forget that we have an avenger, protector, intercessor if we only call on Him; however, there seems to be some who prefer enjoying personal desires.  People flock to the AVENGER movies who never realize they have their own personal living avenger is GOD.  1Thess.3:11 “Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, directs our way unto you.” 4:6-9″No man defraud his brother in any matter; because the LORD IS THE AVENGER OF ALL SUCH….  For  GOD HAS NOT CALLED US  TO UNCLEANNESS, BUT UNTO HOLINESS. …GOD has given us HIS HOLY SPIRIT….for you yourselves are taught of GOD to love one another.  5:9 “God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our LORD JESUS CHRIST” Now we all have troubles, heartache,and trials, but we have a choice in where we deliver our stress.  Do you internalize everything or turn it on all those around you?   Do you whisper or scream your distress?   The Lord can handle it – if you only repent (for we all have sinned) and ASK GOD TO BE YOUR  AVENGER 


from Barbara's Bible

Can you #hear me now?  That is what others were asking me lately because the #flu settled in my #ear causing sound blockage!  I know my neighbors could hear my audio devices while I relied on texts and closed captioning to augment the sound barrier.  Communication is so vital and hearing is a blessing.  When I was a thirteen, I was talking to some schoolmates who would always start talking before I finished a sentence.  I finally ask them why they wouldn’t let me complete a thought.  One answered, “You have a slow southern drawl and I can’t wait on you”  You see I was from Texas and this was Denver, Colorado.  Think they wanted me to ‘Go tell it on the mountain.’   Accents, languages, dialects, attitudes, and even disabilities hinder our ability to communicate effectively many times; however, there is someone who breaks down all enclosures!  Who might that be?  Ps.34:15, 17 “The EARS OF THE LORD ARE OPEN TO THE CRY OF THE RIGHTEOUS AND HE HEARS AND DELIVERS THEM OUT OF ALL THEIR TROUBLE”  God will  listen even when you have a slow southern accent  like I still have or if you simply have trouble expressing yourself .   God actually wants to hear from us.  Our God is a gracious loving God.  How many people do you know that want to hear what you have to say whether it is complaining or praising?  Is.41:13,17 “For I the LORD thy GOD will hold your right hand, saying Fear not, I will help you…When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, their tongue fails for thirst, I THE LORD WILL HEAR THEM, I THE GOD OF ISRAEL WILL NOT FORSAKE THEM”      GOD HEARS YOU


from Barbara's Bible

Hang On!  Have you felt like you are #teetering on the #edge?  This morning as I looked out of my kitchen window at the popcorn tree and it  was filled with #robins, #cardinals, #finches, baby #flickers, and #bluebirds.  I could not even count all of them as they were hanging on twigs, perching, and swooping to get the last of the popcorn before the leaves emerge.  My cup was filled with joy while sipping coffee as I watched God providing food for the birds.   God  renews His creation.  His timing is perfect even to sustain the life of the birds and trees.  We see emerging green leaves on the branches  just in time for the spring growth and renewal.  Those birds count of that tree for sustenance .   I see the baby woodpecker returning to the same crook in the branch from year to year.  Where do you go for strength and renewal ?   I turn to God as He renews and refreshes.  “God gives power to the faint and to them that have no might, He increases strength.  Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but THEY THAT WAIT UPON THE LORD SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:29-31  After the flu this season, I needed to be reminded that God is the one who renews and to rejoice in His care!  Rev.4:11 “Thou art worthy, O LORD, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou has created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”  Just as I had so much pleasure watching the birds feasting in the popcorn tree this morning, I am reminded that we were created for God’s pleasure.   What does He see?  Hang with HIM!


Are you hearing from all the news sources that #counselors are needed to help people #cope with #life and #death tragedies.  Well, I certainly agree; however, who is giving the aid?  I have noticed promo’s for a new TV show making fun of the idea that one would try to live by the Bible.  Today’s supposed intellects seem to promote their own idea of superiority which always starts with “I”.   The great “I AM – LORD” is left out of  priority and in His place the focus has become Me, Me, Me!   Where do you go for help?  Ps.33:10,11 “The LORD BRINGS THE COUNSEL OF THE HEATHEN TO NOTHING -BRINGING THE DEVICES OF THESE PEOPLE INEFFECTIVE.  THE COUNSEL OF THE LORD STANDS FOREVER THE THOUGHTS OF HIS HEART TO ALL GENERATIONS”   Everyone wants to have the best, most informed, intelligent, physician, yet our present society wants to self prescribe their own reality which is leading to disaster.  In the book of  Job we can read about all the ‘friends and observers’ who gave Job advice during his travail which amounted to no more than ‘just curse God and die’.  That sounds like some philosophy heard today ‘just live until you die!’  or ‘what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong’.  There is no hope or joy in this fatalistic thinking which leaves God out of our life.  Job gave a word to his nah sayers in Job 12:13 “With GOD IS WISDOM AND STRENGTH, HE HAS COUNSEL AND UNDERSTANDING”   My prayer is that we shall call for counseling from THE COUNSELOR….”O LORD, THOU ART MY GOD; I WILL EXALT THEE, I WILL PRAISE THY NAME; FOR THOU HAS DONE WONDERFUL THINGS; THY COUNSELS OF OLD ARE FAITHFULNESS AND TRUTH.”  The Bible does proclaim that God counsels us through His Word if we seek and listen.


Days seem to fly by like the #speed ⇒of motion constantly propelled with more thrust.  I can remember becoming a teenager in #Amarillo, #Texas during the #1950s when cars and people were very colorful.  Yes, poodle skirts and bobby socks were the rage to wear while driving around in an aqua convertible!  The days were filled with hope and anticipation of  things to come and come they did.  You see the #Billy Graham Crusade came to our football stadium.  They had an organized team that prepared christian volunteers to counsel individuals that came forward during the invitation repenting of their sin and accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior.  I was blessed to have been a teen counselor who was trained by Billy’s ministers on how ‘to listen and share how Jesus Saves’.  What a privilege to have heard those passionate sermons delivered by Billy Graham and then to have walked down the bleachers onto the football field side by side with someone seeking Jesus.  I shall always be thankful for the privilege of hearing Billy Graham and then learning from his team ways to share God’s  abundant love with others.  Baptists churches had a goal which stated  “A Million More in ’54”  so we would tell others that Jesus Saves.  This training and experience influenced me into my college years.  During my senior year at #Hardin Simmons University, I was teaching a Sunday School class of eleventh grade girls who began having personal quiet times with reading the Bible and prayer.  I ask them if they wanted to come over to my dorm to talk about ways of sharing Jesus.   So we had our girl time when I pointed out a list of scriptures from my Granny written in the back of my Bible which were followed by the principles and scriptures used in the Billy Graham Crusade.⇒John 3:16-18 “GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.  FOR GOD SENT NOT HIS SON INTO THE WORLD TO CONDEMN THE WORLD; BUT THAT THE WORLD THROUGH HIM MIGHT BE SAVED.  He that believes on Him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”  Matt.1:21″JESUS SHALL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS”  Acts 16:30,31 “WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?  Paul and Silas said to the prisoners, “BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND YOU WILL BE SAVED” Joel 2:32 “WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED”  These were my Granny’s list: + 1. Repent – Luke 13:5   + 2. Believe – Romans 10:4   +3.Receive – John 1:12   +4.Confess -Matt. 10:32   +5.Obey -John 14:15   ….. THE LIVING GOD SAVES….. yesterday, today, eternally


“Where do I turn to?” are lyrics of a song from yesteryear, but very appropriate for today.  The horrific fatal shootings in our schools which occurred because of deranged minds have all authorities concerned and contemplating solutions which could stop future tragedies.  I observe evil emboldened everywhere in our society today by the news, internet, movies, tv, and in peoples’ language and actions!  Everyone wants to be noticed, but do our actions have consequences?  What does God have to do with it?  What does God have to do with schools?  Psalm 27:11-14 gives us a pathway to goodness  “TEACH ME THY WAY, O LORD and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies.  Deliver me from the will of my enemies:  for false witnesses are risen up against me and such breathe out cruelty.  I WOULD HAVE FAINTED UNLESS I HAD BELIEVED TO SEE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING.  Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, I say, wait on the LORD.”  My prayer is that we shall listen and learn and obey the Word of the Living God now and forever.  “Why boast about yourself in mischief, O mighty man?  GOODNESS OF GOD ENDURES CONTINUALLY.” Ps.52:1  Like the pop song of old was asking then ‘where do I turn?’  I can tell you to whom I turn in times like these — “Let the wicked be ashamed and be silent in the grave, and let the lying lips be put to silence which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.  O HOW GREAT IS GOD’S GOODNESS   WHICH HE HAS LAID UP FOR THEM THAT FEAR HIM; WHICH GOD HAS WROUGHT FOR THOSE THAT TRUST IN HIM BEFORE THE SONS OF MEN!” Ps.31:17-19