from Barbara's Bible

Have you ever had a revelation of facts about someone or something?  It seems to me that news today is filled with information whether true or false which has been leaked to sway listeners into their personal ideology.  While trying to watch the news, I fill as if I am the the ping pong ball being hit back and forth with every serve challenged.  While everyone emphatically pronounces their superiority, I change the channel.  How about you?   Where do you go for the truth – the whole truth?  God’s Word does not fail.  God’s Word is eternal.  God’s Word is truth.  If you are looking for a revelation ‘that which was before unknown to them’, Webster’s Dictionary states ‘revelation is that which is revealed by God to man’.  When facts which I am told do not fit the actions, I read the Bible.  How amazing, God knows it all.  THE GOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE FATHER OF GLORY, MAY GIVE YOU THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM: THE EYES OF YOUR UNDERSTANDING BEING ENLIGHTENED; THAT YOU MAY KNOW WHAT IS THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING, AND WHAT THE RICHES OF THE GLORY OF HIS INHERITANCE…AND THE EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER TO US WHO BELIEVE ACCORDING TO THE WORKING OF HIS MIGHTY POWER, HE BROUGHT IN CHRIST WHEN HE RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD AND SET HIM AT HIS OWN RIGHT HAND IN HEAVENLY PLACES, FAR ABOVE ALL PRINCIPALITY, AND POWER, AND MIGHT, AND DOMINION, AND EVERY NAME THAT IS NAMED, NOT ONLY IN THIS WORLD, BUT ALSO IN THAT WHICH IS TO COME”  Eph.1:17-21 Now that is the LIVING GOD’S REVELATION FOR US.


Do words take on new meanings with the passing of time?  Just in my lifetime, I hear words used with completely different contexts.  Does anything stay the #same?  I can attest that I have seen and observed many changes in people, governments, churches, countries, landscapes, and weather!  It seems to me that the worldwide internet has brought about changes in all areas of our lives.  We have become very dependent on wireless technology.  Long before all this computer connection, we had and have a connection to “the live – living God” who never fails!   I find it so comforting to have as my source the Lord who never changes!  Yes, I have a lifetime warranty written in God’s holy word – the Bible.  Do You?  “THE SAME LORD OVER ALL IS RICH UNTO ALL THAT CALL UPON HIM and whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”Rom.10:12,13  He actually listens to you.  ” GOD IS THE SAME, and thy years shall have no end.”  Ps. 102:27  God’s word was true in yesteryears and it is the same truth today – never changing!  “JESUS CHRIST THE SAME YESTERDAY, AND TODAY, AND FOREVER” Heb.13:8


With all the #catastrophes happening today, do you ever think it would be nice to have a #protective #shield around you at all times?  There are #wars and rumors of war!  Then we have devastating mass #shootings in #schools and on assembled #crowds of the unaware!  Seems to me that more and more #storms, floods, hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, and earthquakes are happening with regularity.  These are devastating disasters beyond our control.  I just had two huge pecan trees to break during rain/wind and flatten the garage.   What can you do?  To whom  do you turn? I knew I had to deal with the circumstance by humbly thanking God for His shield of protection and then asking for His wisdom.  My situation is minor compared to all that President Trump is facing; however, GOD ALMIGHTY has the answer for the great and the small. “EVER WORD OF GOD IS PURE:  HE IS A SHIELD UNTO THEM THAT PUT THEIR TRUST IN HIM.” Prov.30:5    What time I am afraid, I will trust in the LORD.  “GOD IS MY HIDING PLACE AND MY SHIELD: I hope in His word…Uphold me according to thy word, that I may live: and not be ashamed of my hope.  Hold me up, and I shall be safe.” Psalm 119:114-117


There is #beauty all around us especially this time of the year as everything has #fresh new leaves with beautiful #blooms.  Growing up on the Texas panhandle we didn’t have many trees or blossoms without pampering them with extra water and care.  So…this enabled me to I have a full view of the magnificent color of the spectacular sunsets.   Through the years now I have lived in the mountains, by the seashore, on the plains, in desert basins,which have been in cities and farming communities that enabled me to see God’s beautiful creations wherever He has placed me.   I realized all of this is a reflection of the Creator.  Zech.9:17 “How great is GOD’S BEAUTY”  Isaiah 33:17 “Your eyes shall see HIM IN HIS BEAUTY”  1Chron.16:29 “Worship the LORD IN THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS”  As we spend time with friends, we tend to take on some of their demeanor in our speech, outlook, and makeup.  I had two unusual experiences last year after turning eighty.  I was in a hardware store when one of the lady employees came to help me with a purchase and she said, “You are beautiful.”  I said, “thank you!”  In all my years, I had never had anyone say that – much less now.   Then several months later, I was standing in line at the post office when a young man walked in to stand behind me and he said, “Madam, I just want to tell you that you are beautiful”  Now I know God works in mysterious ways; however, my after thought to their commits was that they may have noticed a reflection of my Lord with whom I spend the most time!  “LORD takes pleasure in His people:  HE WILL BEAUTIFY THE MEEK WITH SALVATION” Ps. 149:4  “LET THE BEAUTY OF THE LORD BE UPON US” Ps.90:17     


from Barbara's Bible

In #America we have named a #day for all sorts of #events, #animals, and #people.  As a child (many moons ago) I only remember about 8 days during a year that were celebrated; however today it seems everyday has been labeled for someone or something.  While reading God’s Word, the Bible I am amazed by the coming Day of the Lord.  Time passes so much faster for me with each passing year, so I can only image God’s calendar.  11Peter 3:8-15 “beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some me are; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance  THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL COME as a thief in the night; the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with intense heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.  Seeing that all these things shall be destroyed, what manner of persons ought we to be in all our living as we look for and earnestly desire the COMING OF THE DAY OF GOD….nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells…..We are to look for such things and be diligent that we may be found of Him in peace, without spot, and blameless through (Jesus Christ) considering  the long-suffering of our LORD IS SALVATION.   Yes, there will be a Day of Reckoning –the Bible tells me so!  Is the Lord on your Daytimer?


from Barbara's Bible

While attending college at #Wayland in #Plainview, #Texas, Tommy (later to become my husband) had the privilege of being a summer missionary in #Jamaica.  This gave him a lifelong love for the people which prompted him to lead the church he pastored to go, serve, share, and teach the Bible there each summer.  All of our family were privileged to be apart of  those trips which made a lasting imprint on each of our lives.  I remember the Jamaican people walking, singing, and talking with a joyful spirit.  As I would say, “Please come at 10:00a.m. for Bible School”  The reply would always be, “Me soon come!”  You see, they walked dirt paths over hills, valleys and streams to get to their destination and most did not have watches.  They would arrive, but not always on our timetable.  That has been a profound lesson for me when I think of God’s coming again when He returns on His time!   Hebrews 10:9-20 “I COME TO DO THY WILL, O GOD.  He takes away the first, that He may establish the second… which we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”  In His time, Jesus came once as our substitutionary sacrifice, but shall come again (on His time clock) to redeem His own!  Rev. 22:12-13 JESUS SAID, “BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY, and My reward is with me to give to every man according to his works.  I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE END”  And ‘that’s all folks’   Jamaicans got it right with their phrase — Me Soon Come!


from Barbara's Bible

Just how much can you #endure?  It seems to me that there are more #diseases, #storms, #crimes, and #media #slanders each day portrayed  in live video feeds from around the world.  There is pain and suffering in each of our lives through the life and death of loved ones.   I have experienced sickness, childbirth, surgery, migraines and watched my children and grandchildren suffer ongoing disabilities.  Through the years I have observed many people in public and private settings and the ones I have wanted to emulate have a calm assurance and peace that passes their circumstances!  What made the difference that was being manifested?  With further searching, I found they had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ who is the Messiah, Yeshua, the Light of the World, Glory of Israel, the Hope, the Redeemer, and their Salvation.  God is the answer..Heb.12:1-3 Seeing that we are compassed about with so many witnesses, let  us lay aside every weight and sin which easily besets us and run with patience the race set before us by looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him ENDURED THE CROSS, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God for He endured such contradiction of sinners against Him.”  We each have a limited lifespan — so what matters?  1Peter 1:23-25 “Be born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible by the Word of God which lives and abides forever.  For all flesh is as grass and the glory of man as the flower of grass.  The grass withers and the flower falls away, but the WORD OF THE LORD ENDURES FOREVER”  I am putting my faith and trust in the Living God who endures forever.  Psalm 117 “Praise the LORD FOR HIS MERCIFUL KINDNESS IS GREAT TOWARD US: AND THE TRUTH OF THE LORD ENDURES FOREVER”    


from Barbara's Bible

#America has become a #litigious #society!  It seems to me that people think anything goes if it is what they desire without a minute of thought for others.  My great grandfather Hancock was a U.S. Marshall in the 1900’s.  He had arrested four outlaws on the Oklahoma/Texas border and as they approached the jail, he was shot in the back.  Now that was lawless gang territory!  Sound like today?   I see a difference.  Those outlaws did not have a lawyer to find a loophole in the law of justice to present to the judge.  As a child I thought when the judge brought the gavel down that was a period to the sentence; however, age has opened my eyes to legal injustices.  I have never heard so many different lawyers opinions on prosecuting our President and his associates.   God has seen it all through the centuries and His Word never changes!   Is.33:22 “LORD IS OUR JUDGE AND LAWGIVER”  Have we forsaken Him and His Word?  Get a clue – Ps.89:18″LORD IS OUR DEFENSE”  Do we even have an inkling of GOD’S omnipotence?   Hebrews chapter 10:26-31  “If we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful looking judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the God haters….for we know Him that said, ‘Vengeance belongs unto Me, I will recompense’, said the LORD.  Again, THE LORD SHALL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE.  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the LIVING GOD.”  Remember this day … we shall all come before THE JUDGE one day!