Do you always get #answers to your texts? Does everyone return your #calls? How many passwords do you need to retrieve your private information? Today technology seems to have an answer for everything (if you can decipher it ) however, I find one road leading to many others while painfully searching the web. The manual could be of some help – that is if you can find it. There is a pattern here…see it? GOD wrote the Bible filled with His answer to living, but can you locate His Word? Read Jeremiah 33:2,3 “Thus said the LORD the maker, the LORD that formed it, to establish it; the LORD JEHOVAH is His name; says call on Me, and I WILL ANSWER YOU, and show you great and mighty hidden things which you know not” God does not fail….Psalm 65:5 “By awesome deeds GOD DOES ANSWER US IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, O GOD OF OUR SALVATION”


Where do your #thoughts park? Could it be on your #health, #work, #finances, #marriage, #family, #home, #car, #politics, or #entertainment? Ever heard the phrase, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he”Prov.23:7 Do you ever think upon GOD? He thinks about you! How do I know that? Psalm 139:17,18 “How precious also are THY THOUGHTS UNTO ME, O GOD! how how great is the sum of them: If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand” Have u ever been fixated on a subject? GOD has His thoughts tuned in on you….Today everyone is big on selfies – look at me, me, me. All the while the greatest of all is thinking about you! “LORD SAID, I KNOW THE THOUGHTS THAT I THINK TOWARD YOU, THOUGHTS OF PEACE, AND NOT EVIL, TO GIVE YOU HOPE IN YOUR LATTER END. Call upon Me and pray unto Me and I will hearken unto you.” Jeremiah 29:11,12 Make time for your mind to be on GOD! “Seek the LORD while He maybe found. Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the LORD and He will have mercy on him and our GOD will abundantly pardon. For GOD’S THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, neither are your ways MY WAYS, SAID THE LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and MY THOUGHTS THAN YOUR THOUGHTS.”


Our #body is constantly before us. We have concerns about our #fitness, #wardrobe, #diet, #hair, #aging, and #mental challenges for which you can find an advertisement that has a fix on all the aforementioned. Life has so many choices and every decision has consequences. ‘”GOD, FATHER of our Lord Jesus Christ has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world” Eph.1:4 Whow! Thank you, Lord, but what does that have to do Christ’s body? “In CHRIST DWELLS ALL THE FULNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY and you are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power” Col.2:9,10At a place called, Golgotha…they crucified Jesus..then Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb” Mt.27:33,35,59 Grave could not hold Him, Christ arose victorious over the grave showing us redemption. “Buried with Christ in baptism wherein also you are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of GOD WHO RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD. Blotting out the bond of ordinances that was against us…nailing it to His cross..triumphing over them in it.,,which is a shadow of things to come; but the BODY IS OF CHRIST.”Col.2:12,14,15,17 If you be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God.” 3:1 Make the right choice – no app needed. “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which you are called in one body and be thankful.” Col.3:15


My grandmother was a Bible loving woman. I can still remember her holding me in her arms while in her rocking chair and as she finished reading a scripture to me she placed the Word on her chest then moved her glasses to her forehead while humming a hymn as she prayed and rocked me. There in a small town in Texas where everyone knew everyone, I recall her talking about the “Foot Washing Baptists” I was very inquisitive and asked, “Who, What, and Where” She explained that most of the people in the community were farmers and on their feet doing hard work from sun up to sun down. The neighbors were always caring for each other and the fine Bible believing people humbled themselves by washing the feet of others. They were showing respect, honor, and dignity to another. You see weight is carried on the feet. Today, I never hear of foot washing except when someone has a pedicure; however, money does not buy humility ! What does all this have to do with the feet of GOD? Let’s read some scriptures: “GOD the Father of glory raised Christ from the dead and set Him at His own right hand in heavenly places far above principality, power, might, dominion, name in this world and that which is to come – HE HAS PUT ALL THINGS UNDER HIS FEET” Eph.1:17-22 “Then comes the end when He shall deliver up the kingdom to God the Father; putting down all rule, authority, and power for He must reign till HE HAS PUT ALL ENEMIES UNDER HIS FEET. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death for HE PUT ALL THINGS UNDER HIS FEET.” 1Corth15:24-27 “HOW beautiful upon the mountains the FEET OF HIM THAT BRINGS GOOD TIDINGS THAT PUBLISHES PEACE, BRINGS GOOD, PUBLISHES SALVATION -said unto Zion, THY GOD REIGNS” Isaiah52:7


from Barbara's Bible

Are you in need of a helping #hand? All around the #world, we are having one # disaster after another. In my lifetime I have seen seasonal #storms, but never like today with so much repeated devastation ! Ps.138:7 “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, GOD will revive me and shall stretch forth His hand against the wrath…and the RIGHT HAND OF GOD SHALL SAVE ME” As lives and property are destroyed, I am seeing moral decay as well. Where can you turn for relief? What does the Bible have to say about strength during decay? What is happening? I think Isaiah 25:ll explains “GOD shall spread forth HIS HANDS IN THE MIDST OF THEM, as he that swims spreads his hands to swim: and GOD shall bring down their pride together with the spoils of their hands.” Have we forgotten the old saying pride goes before a fall? Have we also forgotten GOD? Where is the strong arm of the law? Psalms 89:13 “GOD has a mighty arm: STRONG IS THE HAND OF GOD AND HIGH IS HIS RIGHT HAND” Ps.119:73 “HANDS OF GOD HAVE MADE ME AND FASHIONED ME: give me understanding that I may learn thy commandments” Does society even acknowledge GOD’S laws? “The WORKS OF GOD’S HANDS ARE TRUTH AND JUDGMENT; all His commandments are sure” Ps.111:7 Time to turn to GOD and call upon His forgiveness – Ps.37:23 “Steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delights in His way though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down: FOR THE LORD UPHOLDS HIM WITH HIS HAND.” Call on the LORD. Isaiah 41:10 “FEAR NOT; FOR I AM WITH YOU: BE NOT DISMAYED; FOR I AM THY GOD: I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU AND I WILL HELP YOU; YES I WILL UPHOLD YOU WITH THE RIGHT HAND OF MY RIGHTEOUSNESS” Conclusion: “Humble yourselve under the MIGHTY HAND OF GOD THAT HE MAY RAISE YOU UP IN DUE TIME” 1 Peter 5:6


from Barbara's Bible

Has your #mind been overwhelmed by God’s #omnipotence? When you picture #God, our creator, who do you see? We are formed in His #Image. So does He have #fingers? The Bible tells us so! Psalm 8 “O LORD our LORD how excellent is thy name in all the earth!..when I consider thy heavens, THE WORK OF THY FINGERS, the moon and the stars, which thou has put in place; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man that thou visits him?….Thou made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands and put all things under his feet ” God’s word records His creation…Exodus31:17 “for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed. 18. He gave unto Moses, ….. on mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, WRITTEN WITH THE FINGER OF GOD” Deuteronomy 4:13 “LORD DECLARED UNTO YOU HIS COVENANT, which HE COMMANDED YOU TO PERFORM, even TEN COMMANDMENTS; HE WROTE THEM UNON TWO TABLES OF STONE.” Yes, the finger of GOD has written us a covenant; however, have you ever read it or do you think a good lawyer can find a loophole for you? Deuteronomy 5 has the commandments and it is a must read ending with verse 33 “You shall walk in all the ways which the LORD YOUR GOD has commanded you that you may live well and prolong your days…”


from Barbara's Bible

How long has it been since you had a #laugh? With #news outlets shouting about another #violence that is occurring right now, we see and hear #tragedy constantly! Yes, it is enough to make an old woman weep. I see and hear things that I could never have imagined. ‘What is wrong made out to be right and what is right made to be wrong’. I choose the word ‘right’ to be defined by God’s Word not satan’s agenda. What does that have to do with laughing? Well let us see Who gets the last LAUGH? Let me share ….Psalm 37:8-40 “Cease from anger, forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil……the wicked plot against the just and gnash upon him with his teeththe LORD SHALL LAUGH AT HIM FOR HE SEES THAT HIS DAY IS COMING.….the LORD knows the days of the upright and their inheritance shall be forever. . .Wicked watch the righteous and seek to slay him....but the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off while the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: HE is their strength in time of trouble and the LORD shall help and deliver them from the wicked and save them, because they trust in Him.” Now that is the good news which leaves a smile on my face!


from Barbara's Bible

#Babies love to be #cradled in your #arms and so do we all enjoy being surrounded by loving arms hearing a lullaby or a love song. If you send or receive #moji’s on your phone, I have a feeling that the #hugs are one of the most transmitted. Do you need a good hug today? The Bible lets us who has the longest reaching arms with a perfect touch. Say what? I read it straight from HIS WORD. “Sing unto the LORD a new song for He has done marvelous things: His right hand and HIS HOLY ARM HAVE GOTTEN HIM THE VICTORY and has made known His salvation” Ps.98:1,2 “Who has believed our report? TO WHOM IS THE ARM OF THE LORD REVEALED? Isaiah 53:1 When my babies were fussy and crying, I always wanted to comfort them by holding them in my arms . GOD has seen our distress and rebellion …Is.59:13-16″In transgression and lying against the LORD, departing..speaking oppression, revolt and uttering ..words of falsehood…justice stands afar off for truth fails and he that departs from evil becomes a prey: the LORD SAW IT and displeased Him that there was no judgment. HE saw there was no man-no intercessor therefore HIS ARM BROUGHT SALVATION.” 20″THE REDEEMER SHALL COME TO ZION” Jesus Christ our redeemer is ready to hear our cries, forgive our sins, and hold us in HIS EVERLASTING ARMS.