Monday, October 15th 2012 @ 12:51 PM (not yet rated)
post viewed 361 times
The human heart is a mystery. Not the organ which pumps blood through our body, although we are still learning new things constantly about how well that is designed. No, Brother Tommy is speaking here of the emotional center of our body. What makes people act the way they do? Sometimes they follow their feelings to conclusions that others looking on cannot understand. What is wrong with following our emotions? What if we are sincere? Can our feelings deceive us? Are we basically good or bad? What is wrong with our assessment of our own heart? What is more important – What we do or why we do it? From where does true change come?
Diane Chouinard
Full Access
DianeChouinard said on Tuesday, October 16th 2012 @ 11:34 PM:
that is so true but we need to pray for jeus that is why did you us we need to ask him for help and he will hepl i belive he will god bless