Monday, December 17th 2012 @ 12:44 PM (not yet rated)
post viewed 299 times
What do we think about when we reach this time of year? Christmas trees, decorations, gifts? What is the bigger picture? What does an Old Testament book of the Bible have to do with the birth of the Savior in the New Testament? Why would God send His Son to be born in a tiny little town like Bethlehem? Why not in a palace to a royal family? What does this passage say about our existence? What does it say about Christ’s existence? Why did Jesus come to Earth? From what do we need to be delivered? It is great to claim this deliverance from the judgment of sin but what about peace and power in our daily lives?
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Diane Chouinard
Full Access
DianeChouinard said on Wednesday, December 19th 2012 @ 12:14 AM:
jeuse came to earth to give us life he die for iam so happy that he did for us iam so thankfull what he did for us god bless