Monday, September 3rd 2012 @ 11:44 AM (not yet rated)
post viewed 368 times
Now before you say that I am trying to choose a candidate for you by posting this week’s blog, realize that this message was delivered in 1984. Brother Tommy is talking about getting involved in the political process on a local level. Although this message comes from an American point of view, everywhere you have people working together you have some form of politics. What are some myths about politics? Do we need government? What can a Christian bring to the process? Of what should a Christian be aware? Is it Christian to compromise?
DianeChouinard said on Wednesday, September 5th 2012 @ 12:09 AM:
iam sorry but i do not like the govemment they do the worry thing but i do belive in god he he only one i can truch and all was all my mine and heart god bless to all